Transportation Research Institute (IMOB)

IMOB is shaping the mobility of the future by providing science-based solutions to the major challenges facing society and industry. IMOB operates within the fields of transportation and road safety, focusing on travel behaviour. We do this by studying the interaction between behaviour, infrastructure and technology.

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Why should you collaborate with IMOB?

  • Multidisciplinary team with expertise in many fields
  • Years of experience with large-scale research projects at local, national and international level
  • Reliable partner for governments, businesses and other parties
  • Clear focus on valorisation of research results
Contact IMOB

Facts & figures about IMOB

Ongoing research projects


Since the foundation of IMOB 5 spin-offs have been established in which a number of our research and service activities have been expanded and valorised.

Would you like to discuss a new opportunity or get in touch with one of our spin-offs? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact IMOB
Logo DSS

DriveSimSolutions (DSS) emerged from over 10 years of expertise in the driving simulation domain, supported by a proven track record in fundamental and applied research. DSS is a competent R&D and system integration partner in the driving simulator domain.


TakeASeat, brings together mobility expertise, technological resources and business experience with its first product, 'Swidg'. This is a seating matching platform that enables commuters to make better use of their journey to work.

Logo Abeona

ABEONAconsult is a young and dynamic company that specialises in the development of smart products, software and services in the field of transport and traffic safety.

Logo Vivadrive

VivaDrive aims to create a green, safe and cost-effective fleet for businesses. This AI-powered system takes care of your business, drivers and respect for the planet.

Logo Safet

SAFE.T is an innovative online HR programme for transport companies and truck drivers.

We are looking for participants for scientific studies

Apply to participate in scientific studies on transportation & road safety!

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Master of Transportation Sciences

Visit our web pages

PhD in Transportation Sciences

Find out more about starting a PhD at UHasselt

Job opportunities

Would you like to work for Hasselt University? Have a look at our job page now and then.
Publish your job opportunity for our (former) students via Jobteaser.

Transportation Research Institute

Phone +32 (0)11 26 91 11 Email Visiting address

White Barracks, Maastrichterstraat 100

3500 Hasselt

Opening hours

Open every weekday (except public holidays and bridge days) from 09:00 to 17:00

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