More details on, and registration links for, upcoming activities are available on the website of the doctoral schools. When you enrol for a doctoral school activity, make sure to take our cancellation & no-show policy into account. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at all times on
Details & registration
1. Managing my PhD (all DS)
Takes place on 06/02 (09:00-16:00) & 20/02/23 (09:00-13:00)
Registration possible until 15/01/23
2. Well-Being at UHasselt (all DS)
Takes place (digitally) on 06/02/23 (13:00-17:00)
Registration possible until 23/01/23
3. Academic English (DS BSH)
Takes place on 27/02, 24/02, 03/03, 10/03/23 - 09:00-12:00
Registration possible until 18/01/23
4. Academic English (DS HLS)
Takes place on 27/02, 24/02, 03/03, 10/03/23 - 13:00-16:00
Registration possible until 18/01/23
5. Science figured out (all DS)
Takes place on 06/03 - 09:30-12:30 OR 13:30-16:30 (workshop) and 17/04/23 (video recordings)
Registration possible until 05/02/23
6. Creating effective presentation slides (all DS)
Takes place (digitally) on 13/03/23 -14:00-16:00
Registration is required
7. Networking for researchers (all DS)
Takes place (digitally) on 03/05/23 -14:00-16:00
Registration is required
Details & registration
1. Create scientific posters with impact (all DS)
Takes place on 15/02 (workshop: 09:30-13:30) & 01/03/23 (feedback sessions: 09:30-13:00)
Registration possible until 15/01/23
2. Publication ethics: Where are the gaps and how can we address them (all DS)
Takes place on 02 & 09/03/23 - (group 1: 09:00-10:30, group 2: 11:00-12:30, group 3: 13:30-15:00) and 03 & 10/03/23 - (group 4 : 10:00-11:30, group 5: 13:30-15:00)
Registration possible until 02/02/23
3. Show, don’t tell: Creating visuals about your research (all DS)
Takes place on 07/03 & 14/03/23 - 09:00-16:15
Registration possible until 12/02/23
4. How to get published (all DS)
Takes place on 17 & 24/04/23 - 09:30-17:00
Registration possible until 13/03/23
5. qPCR training (DS HLS & ST)
Takes place on 04 & 05/05/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration possible until 06/04/23
6. Mind the GAP (Good Academic Practices) (all DS)
Takes place online (permanently accessible)
Details & registration
1. Spin-off Academy (all DS)
Takes place from 23/01 - 20/04/23 (15-week course)
Registration is required
2. Individual career coaching (all DS)
Continuous offer
Application is required
The doctoral schools partner with several other departments and organisations. Below is an overview of their upcoming activities. For more information regarding their course offer and acknowledgement in your doctoral school portfolio, please consult this webpage.
1. Education department
- Welkom in blackboard ultra (NL) - diverse data - 13:00-15:00
- Assistententraject (NL) - 19/01, 02 & 16/02, 02 & 16/03/23 - 13:00-16:00
- Inclusieve leeromgeving creëren (NL) - 25/01, 15/02 & 08/03 - 09:00-12:00
- Duurzaamheid in je onderwijs (NL) - 11/01, 01/02, 01/03, 22/03, 19/04/23 - wisselende uren
- Middag(h)appje: Camtasia (NL) - 17/03/23 - 12:00-13:00
- Using Google tools in your teaching (ENG - hybrid) - 30/03/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Apps & tools in het onderwijs (NL) - 25/04/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Civic opleidingsonderdeel vormgeven: hoe doe je dat? (NL) - 26/04/23 - 10:00-12:00
- Middag(h)appje: Google jamboard (NL - digitally) - 03/05/23 - 12:15-12:45
- Redelijke faciliteiten/bijzondere omstandigheden (NL) - 11/05/23- 10:00-12:00
- Middag(h)appje: Camtasia voor gevorderden (NL) - 12/05/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Middag(h)appje: Quiztool (NL - digitally) - 16/05/23 - 12:15-12:45
2. Research data management (RDM)
- Open source software license - 24/01/23 - 13:00-16:00
- Love data week - 13-17/02/23
- Writing a Data Management Plan (FWO/BOF/IOF/VLAIO) ) 02/03/23 - 10:00-12:00
3. HR Department
Hasselt University encourages personal growth and development among its staff by offering all kinds of trainings and courses throughout the academic year.
4. School of Expert Education (SEE)
Training for professionals, built on academic expertise with the aim of creating a unique learning environment to refine and broaden your expertise.
5. Flanders’ training network for methodology and statistics (FLAMES)
Courses on statistics and methodology, which take place throughout the academic year at all Flemish universities. The FLAMES summer school and courses organized at Hasselt University are listed in this newsletter; the others can be found on the FLAMES website.
- Introduction to the concepts of Quantitative Research - 06/02/23 - 09:30-12:30
- Introduction to statistical data analysis with Python (digitally) - 27/02-16/03/23 - 13:00-16:00
- Introduction to JMP - 31/03/23 - 09:30-15:30
6. Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)
Courses and trainings on artificial intelligence for professionals and researchers in Flanders which take place throughout the academic year. In this newsletter only activities and trainings specifically organised or interesting for PhD students/posdocs are listed; the others can be found on the VAIA website.
- 2-day masterclass 'AI & digital design tools in architecture' - 11/05-13/05/23
7. Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC)
Trainings on many HPC-related topics which take place throughout the academic year.
1. EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion
2. SciMingo - Science Communication (SciComm) Academy
3. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
4. CAJAL Advanced neuroscience training
5. European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON)
6. NEURO courses UK
7. Academy for Rehabilitation Sciences (ACREHAB)
8. Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)
9. LifeLong Learning @ Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences KU Leuven (FABER)
10. Pro-Q-Kine
11. TUTECH academy
12. DocEnhance
1. European Commission: Blue Book traineeship programme - application deadline: 31/01/23
2. BiR&D Cross-Disciplinary PhD Thesis Award - application deadline: 01/02/23
3. ECPR Winter school - 06-11/02/23
4. CEBAM JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP) - 27/02, 20 & 21/03/23
5. Oswald Vander Veken Prize - application deadline: 01/03/23
6. Scientific Prize Studiecentrum Prinses Joséphine-Charlotte - application deadline: 01/03/23
7. Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Award 2023 - application deadline: 01/03/23
8. Europese stages Bernheim - application deadline: 05/03/23
9. Nokia Bell Scientific Award - application deadline: 12/04/23
10. FIRRI Symposium 'Recent advances in rehabilitation of cardiorespiratory and internal diseases' - save the date: 28/04/23
11. BioBusiness Summer School - 19-23/06/23