The doctoral schools partner with several other departments and organisations. Below is an overview of their upcoming activities. For more information regarding their course offer and acknowledgement in your doctoral school portfolio, please consult this webpage.
1. Education department
Most modules on education are organized in a demand-driven way which means that instructors/professors can 'order' a tailor-made workshop on a specific topic for a specific group of interested people. However, they also have a limited open course offer. These open courses can be found online.
- First aid for education @UHasselt (digitally) - permanently accessible
- Your voice matters. Een gezond en goed stemgebruik in het onderwijs (Dutch) - 18/11/24 - 14:00-16:00
- GDPR in bachelor's and master's theses - 28/11/24 - 10:00-11:30
- Hoe maak je een groepswerk succesvol (Dutch) - 03/12/24 - 14:00-16:00
- Start to teach (Dutch) - 18/02, 11 & 25 & 28/03/25 - 14:00-16:00
- Start to teach - 20/02, 13 & 27/03, 24/04/25 - 10:00-12:00
- Inclusief Onderwijs: Begin bij jezelf als Docent - 27/02/25 - 10:00-12:00
- Effective feedback: how to do it and how to teach it? - 17/03/25 - 14:00-16:00
- GDPR bij bachelor- en masterproeven - 18/03/25 - 14:00-15:30
- ANS in actie! Kwaliteitsvol & digitaal evalueren kan je leren - 20/03/25 - 14:00-16:00
- OER voor coördinerend verantwoordelijken - 25/03/25 - 13:00-14:30
2. Research data management (RDM)
All UHasselt researchers are expected to adhere to the UHasselt RDM policy plan and manage their data efficiently and with integrity. The RDM team can give you advice on data management planning, policies, best practices, tools, etc. You can contact them directly with your questions and/or follow one or more of their trainings. For their course offer, more information and registration, see their training calendar.
- Into the DMP - 10/12/24 - 10:00-12:00
- DMPT writing session - 10/12/24 - 13:00-15:00
- Love data week - save the date: 10/02-14/02/25
- Into the DMP - 20/03/25 - 10:00-12:00
- DMP writing session - 20/03/25 - 13:00-15:00
- Into the DMP - 29/04/25 - 10:00-12:00
- Wrapping up your research project - 15/05/25 - 10:00-12:00
3. HR Department
Hasselt University encourages personal growth and development among its staff by offering a wide range of training courses and career support. This offer is also open to all PhD researchers and postdoctoral researchers.
4. School of Expert Education (SEE)
Training for professionals, built on academic expertise with the aim of creating a unique learning environment to refine and broaden your expertise. You can find their course offer here (courses are mostly in Dutch).
5. Flanders’ training network for methodology and statistics (FLAMES)
Courses on statistics and methodology, which take place throughout the academic year at all Flemish universities. The FLAMES summer school and courses organized at Hasselt University are listed in this newsletter; the others can be found on the FLAMES website.
- Introduction to supervised learning with Python - 02&03/12/24 - 09:30-17:00
- Data wrangling & tidying with Tidyverse (digitally) - 09/12/24 - 09:30-16:30
- Writing up your findings - the principles of getting your work published (digitally) - 27/01/25 - 10:00-17:00
6. Interuniversity course offer for young researchers
The doctoral schools of Hasselt University partner with the other four Flemish universities which results in an interuniversity course offer open for young researchers of the five partner universities.
EURECA-PRO Alliance consists of 9 partners who joined forces to enable students, researchers and staff to study, teach and research in the field of responsible consumption and production with the long-term goal of a joined virtual and integrated European campus until 2040. They also organize regular activities for (young) researchers.
8. Pitch Please
Pitch Please wil jongeren inspireren, informeren, uitdagen en ondersteunen om hun ondernemende kwaliteiten aan te scherpen. Een overzicht van de Pitch Please activiteiten kan je online terugvinden.
- Creators night - 15/11/24 - 16:00-23:30
- Webinar starten als student-ondernemer - 04/12/24 - 20:00
- Exclusief matchmaking event met JCI - 10/12/24 - 18:00-21:30
- Infosessie: Hoe kom ik op een goed idee? - 19/02/25 - 19:00-21:30
- Matchmaking Monday - 24/02/25 - 19:00-21:30
- Starten als vrij beroeper - 19/03/25 - 19:00-21:30
9. Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)
Courses and trainings on artificial intelligence for professionals and researchers in Flanders which take place throughout the academic year. In this newsletter only activities and trainings specifically organised or interesting for PhD students/postdocs are listed; the others can be found on the VAIA website.
- Introduction to AI and machine learning for biomedical research (digitally) - 26/11-12/12/24 - 13:00-15:00
10. Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC)
Trainings on many HPC-related topics which take place throughout the academic year.
1. EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion
2. EURAXESS - Smart Talks Podcast
3. SciMingo - Science Communication (SciComm) Academy
4. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
5. CAJAL Advanced neuroscience training
6. European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON) (PhD Days, courses, mobility grants, FENS/NENS)
7. NEURO courses UK
8. Academy for Rehabilitation Sciences (ACREHAB)
9. Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)
10. LifeLong Learning @ Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences KU Leuven (FABER)
11. Pro-Q-Kine
12. TUTECH academy
13. DocEnhance
1. BeWise - Empowering women in the European scientific community
2. European Commission - Joint Research Center - Traineeships
3. Researcher identity survey
4. ASML PhD Master Class 2024 - 15 & 16/11/24
5. Studienamiddag: Is Open Science de doos van Pandora voor Jonge Onderzoekers? - 18/11/24
6. Azrieli international postdoctoral fellowship 2025-2026 - application deadline: 18/11/24
7. The Merck organic chemistry symposium - 21/11/24
8. BNS Nuclear Science Contest 2024 - 26/11/24
9. BCF Career event BE - 28/11/24
10. JTALKS Symposium 2024: Artificial intelligence in research & development - 06/12/24
11. ASEAN business, engineering and technology symposium (ABEATS) - 06-07/12/24
12. Networking symposium on research infrastructures 2024 - 09/12/24
13. SAKURA-projectoproep 'Gendergelijkheid in wetenschappelijke en academische loopbanen' - application deadline: 14/12/24
14. GSERM Ljubljana winter school on qualitative and quantitative research methods - 13-24/01/25
15. Internal symposium on the principle of equality and non-discrimination - 07/03/25
16. YUFE Online course: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusivity
17. Online tool: Smart4Policy – Reflect about your work on policy!
18. Traineeships European Commission
19. EURAXESS Smart Talks: Increasing your researchers' chances of winning ERC grants