Upcoming DS activities for postdocs - 10/11/22
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Doctoral Schools

Newsletter | November 10, 2022

This newsletter provides an overview of all upcoming activities, either organized specifically for postdocs or for postdocs and PhD students combined, and links to other potentially interesting events or information.

More details on, and registration links for, upcoming activities are available on the website of the doctoral schools. When you enrol for a doctoral school activity, make sure to take our cancellation & no-show policy into account. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at all times on doctoralschools@uhasselt.be.

In the picture


1. KBC Winter school - 2-day immersion programme into the corporate world: How can my PhD help shape a sustainable future? 

Are you a postdoc and do you ...

  • want to get an inside view of the corporate world, and reflect on labour market trends, corporate social responsibility (CSR), company culture, …?
  • want to learn from PhDs coming from different academic backgrounds why they decided to transfer to the corporate world, which competences they brought to the work floor, and which competences still needed further developing?
  • want to gain an understanding of how KBC’s multidisciplinary teams tackle the sustainability challenges of today and tomorrow?
  • want to expand your network with PhD holders (and others) working at KBC, and learn more about the wide range of fields and services they are active in?

Then attend the winter school on December 13 & 14, 2022, at the KBC offices in Brussels!
More detailed information about the programme and selection criteria are available online.
Registration deadline: November 15, 2022.

2. Mentoring trajectory 2023

The mentoring programme at UHasselt is aimed at supporting (post)doctoral researchers in their further career development. It is a one-on-one interaction between an experienced mentor and a less experienced mentee.

There are two possible tracks in the mentoring programme:

  • academic mentoring (only open to postdocs appointed at UHasselt for at least 50%, for at least one more year): mentoring towards an academic career, by a UHasselt professor (from a different faculty).
  • civic mentoring (open to both postdocs and PhD students in the second half of their PhD trajectory and appointed for at least one more year): mentoring towards successfully entering the external labour market, by someone from a non-academic organization (small/large company, government, hospital, social sector, ...).

The duration of the mentoring trajectory is typically one year. You need to be available on January 12, 2023 (for the civic trajectory) or on January 19, 2023 (for the academic trajectory), 13:00-18:00, for an obligatory introductory workshop. Application deadline: November 27, 2022.

More details on the programme, the selection procedure and the timeline may be found here.

3. Pitch please - Kick-off inspiratiecafé 

Pitch Please wil jongeren inspireren, informeren, uitdagen en ondersteunen om hun ondernemende kwaliteiten aan te scherpen. Of je nu wil ondernemen, gewoon wil uitproberen wat je allemaal kan, je wil laten inspireren of gewoon wil mee doen aan een leuke uitdaging samen met je vrienden: bij Pitch Please kan je terecht! Zin om het nieuwe projectjaar mee te lanceren? Registreer je voor het kick-off inspiratiecafé van 16 November 2022 (19:30-23:00).

4. Join our Facebook group - PhD @ UHasselt

Our (closed) Facebook group is meant to be an informal forum by and for PhD students and postdocs at Hasselt University. It can be used for networking, but also for asking each other questions and sharing social, cultural or academic activities and ideas. Whatever you want to share with your fellow PhD students and postdocs: shoot! If you are not a member yet, feel free to join! 

Upcoming activities - doctoral schools


Details & registration

1. Gender & diversity seminar: Inclusive communication for researchers (all DS)

Takes place on 16/12/22 - 13:00-16:00
Registration possible until 17/11/22

2. Hack your brain: Unlocking your true potential and bringing your best performance (all DS)

Takes place on 19/12 (09:30-16:30) & 20/12/22 (09:30-16:00)
Registration possible until 21/11/22

3. Stress and resilience for researchers (edition 1 - 2023) (all DS)

Takes place on 17/01 & 14/02/23 - 13:00-17:00
Registration possible until 11/12/22

4. Coaching for growth (all DS)

Takes place on 01 & 02/02/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration possible until 08/01/23


Details & registration

1. Belgian Brain Barriers symposium (DS HLS)

Takes place on 30/11/22 - 08:30-17:30
Registration is required

2. Civic Challenge (DS HLS)

Takes place on 05-09/12/22 - 09:00-18:00
Registration possible until 28/11/22

3. Research day (DS BSH - REC)

Takes place on 09/12/22 - 12:30-16:00
Registration possible until 20/11/22

4. EURON PhD Days 2023 (DS HLS)

Takes place on 26/01 (09:30-21:00) & 27/01/23 (09:00-17:00)
Registration possible until 16/11/22

5. Mind the GAP (Good Academic Practices) (all DS)

Takes place online (permanently accessible)


Details & registration

1. KBC Winter school - 2-day immersion programme into the corporate world: How can my PhD help shape a sustainable future? (all DS)

Takes place on 13/12 (09:00-18:30)  & 14/12/22 (09:00-18:00)  
Registration possible until 15/11/22

2. Individual career coaching (all DS)

Continuous offer
Application is required

Upcoming activities - partners


The doctoral schools partner with several other departments and organisations. Below is an overview of their upcoming activities. For more information regarding their course offer and acknowledgement in your doctoral school portfolio, please consult this webpage.

1. Education department

- Using Google tools in your teaching (ENG) - 28/11/22 - 13:00-15:00
- Introduction on education @Hasselt University (ENG) - 10/01/23 - 13:00-15:30
- Introductiemoment onderwijs@UHasselt (NL) - 12/01/23 - 13:00-15:30
- Assistententraject (NL) - 19/01, 02 & 16/02, 02 & 16/03/23 - 13:00-16:00
- Using Google tools in your teaching (ENG) - 30/03/23 - 13:00-15:00

2. Research data management (RDM) 

- Anonymisation of video, audio and transcripts - 24/11/22 - 13:00-14:00
- Data storage solutions - 06/12/22 -13:00-15:00
- Exploring RDM - 08/12/22 - 13:00-15:00
- Writing a DMP - 15/12/22 - 10:00-12:00
- Electronic Lab Notebooks: ElabFTW and OSF - 15/12/22 - 13:00-15:00

3. HR Department

Hasselt University encourages personal growth and development among its staff by offering all kinds of trainings and courses throughout the academic year.

4. School of Expert Education (SEE)

Training for professionals, built on academic expertise with the aim of creating a unique learning environment to refine and broaden your expertise.

5. Flanders’ training network for methodology and statistics (FLAMES)

Courses on statistics and methodology, which take place throughout the academic year at all Flemish universities. The FLAMES summer school and courses organized at Hasselt University are listed in this newsletter; the others can be found on the FLAMES website.

6. Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)

Courses and trainings on artificial intelligence for professionals and researchers in Flanders which take place throughout the academic year.

7. Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC)

Trainings on many HPC-related topics which take place throughout the academic year.


1. EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion

2. SciMingo - Science Communication (SciComm) Academy

3. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)

4. CAJAL Advanced neuroscience training

5. European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON)

6. NEURO courses UK

7. Academy for Rehabilitation Sciences (ACREHAB)

8. Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)

9. LifeLong Learning @ Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences KU Leuven (FABER)

10. Pro-Q-Kine

11. TUTECH academy

Interesting links

1. Scientific prize SofinaBoël fellowships - application deadline: 14/11/22

2. Vocatio-beurs - application deadline: 14/11/22

3. Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship - application deadline: 15/11/22

4. Industry Day Biomedical sciences (KU Leuven) - 15/11/22

5. BCF Career Event Belgium - 16/11/22

6. Psychiatry 2.0: Towards a new way of thinking - 17-18/11/22

7. JTalks symposium on science and technology innovation: Personalized medicine (Janssen Pharmaceuticals) - 18/11/22

8. TPR- Conferentie 2022: De COVID-19 pandemie als katalysator van een gewijzigde (contractuele) arbeidsrelatie - 24-25/11/22

9. Sustainability event for PhD candidates (Bain & company) - 30/11/22

10. GSERM Ljubljana - 09-13/01 & 16-20/01/23 - application deadline: 05/12/22

11. 28th Essentials Seminar, European Nutrition Leadership Platform - May-June 2023 - application deadline: 30/11/22

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Universiteit Hasselt | Martelarenlaan 42 | BE-3500 Hasselt |www.uhasselt.be