Upcoming DS activities for postdocs - 09/03/23
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Newsletter | March 09, 2023

This newsletter provides an overview of all upcoming activities, either organized specifically for postdocs or for postdocs and PhD students combined, and links to other potentially interesting events or information.

More details on, and registration links for, upcoming activities are available on the website of the doctoral schools. When you enrol for a doctoral school activity, make sure to take our cancellation & no-show policy into account. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at all times on doctoralschools@uhasselt.be.

1. Let’s talk Science: Save the date

Learning how to communicate efficiently about your research to various stakeholders: that’s what ‘Let’s talk Science!’ is all about. With ‘Let’s talk Science’ the 5 Flemish universities and VLHORA want to give you ‘a taste of science communication’, and make you acquainted with the ways to communicate both inside, but mostly outside academia. On July 04, 05 & 06, 2023 Let’s talk Science offers a programme of workshops and a plenary for PhD students and postdocs of all Flemish universities. Although the event is organized in Ghent, some workshops can be followed online. PhD students attending can receive credits from their doctoral school. More information about the programme and information on registration will be available in the course of April, so save the date and stay tuned for more news.

2. FWO Instagram takeover

The FWO is looking for researchers (whether or not funded by FWO) who would like to put their research into the spotlight via Instagram this autumn. Would you like to reach out with your research and guide us for one week through your lab, workplace, field research or research stay abroad? Then take over the FWO Instagram account by sending an email to communicatie@fwo.be. More information and guidelines can be found here.

3. Pitch please events
  • Matchmaking Monday - 13/03/23 - 19:00-22:00
Start je je eigen zaak en ben je op zoek naar aanvullend talent? Wil je graag meestappen in een veelbelovend start-up project? Dan is Matchmaking Monday de uitgelezen kans om je dream team te vinden!
  • Pitch Please Innovation Station powered by Cegeka - 18/03/23 - 08:00-20:00

Op 12 uren tijd leer je brainstormen tot een innovatief businessidee, pitchen als de beste en samenwerken in team. Het wordt een onvergetelijk avontuur waarbij je je ondernemende kriebels kan omzetten in een concreet businessplan. Op het einde van de dag pitchen jij en je team jullie businessplan voor een professionele jury. Na afloop wordt de winnaar met het beste idee en de beste pitch bekend gemaakt.

  • Fuck-up night ism Ustart Hasselt, UNIZO-Limburg en Made in Limburg - 23/03/23 - 19:30-23:00

Falen mag geen taboe meer zijn. Tegenslagen moeten er zijn om te leren, terug recht te staan, om beter te worden en om sterker in het leven te staan. Het maakt ondernemers tot ondernemers die sterker dan ooit in hun schoenen staan.  Zonder risico's immers geen succes, en als iedereen open is over carrièreblunders valt de schaamte om het falen weg. Deze avond maak je kennis met ondernemers die het één en ander met jullie willen delen. Over vallen en opstaan...

Heb je vragen over deze events, een vaag of al heel concreet business idee, aarzel niet en contacteer Els Huysman (StudentStartUP).

4. Doctoral schools mobility call 2 - 2023

Hasselt University encourages its junior researchers' international and intersectoral mobility and wants to promote (international) contacts between research groups. Thanks to the Flemish Government's financial support, Hasselt University doctoral schools can award travel grants to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers for participation in an international summer school or a short research stay abroad. Also, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers can be awarded intersectoral mobility grants for intersectoral summer schools or research projects conducted at and in collaboration with non-academic institutions (companies, hospitals, …). This second call for 2023 concerns the period May - December 2023. Deadline of submission is 12/03/2023 and the activity (summer school or research stay) needs to take place between 01/05/2023 and 31/12/2023. More information about the requirements, selection criteria, financial support and application procedure can be found online.

Details & registration

1. Creating effective presentation slides (all DS)

Takes place (digitally) on 13/03/23 -14:00-16:00
Registration is required

2. Networking for researchers (all DS)

Takes place (digitally) on 03/05/23 -14:00-16:00
Registration is required

3. Personal time management (all DS)

Takes place on 28/04 (09:00-17:00) & 10/05/23 (13:00-17:00)
Registration possible until 26/03/23

4. Female brain power: (Self-)leadership module for female professionals (all DS)

Takes place on 02-03/05 & 05-06/06/23 (09:30-17:00)
Registration possible until 02/04/23

5. Networking for researchers (all DS) 

Takes place (digitally) on 03/05/23 -14:00-16:00
Registration is required

6. Effective habits building (all DS)

Takes place on 24/05/23 -13:00-17:00
Registration possible until 23/04/23

7. Stress and resilience for researchers (all DS)

Takes place on 31/05 & 27/06/23 - 13:00-17:00
Registration possible until 24/04/23

8. Bullet journaling as a tool for planning my research (all DS)

Takes place on 20/06/23 - 10:30-12:30
Registration possible until 21/05/23

Details & registration

1. PhD seminar series: lecture on pharmacoloniality & seminar on decolonial listening (DS BSH - ARK)

Takes place on 16/03/23 - 11:00-15:30
Registration is required

2. Pre-meeting conference Orpheus: Science communication and open science (all DS but focus on HLS)

Takes place on 13/04/23 - 09:00-16:00
Registration is required

3. How to get published (all DS)

Takes place on 17 & 24/04/23 - 09:30-17:00
Registration possible until 13/03/23

4. Cochrane Systematic Review (DS HLS)

Takes place on 24, 25 & 27/04/23 - 09:00-16:45
Registration possible until 06/04/23

5. What does it mean to be a researcher in 21st century academia? (all DS)

Takes place on 05, 11 & 12/05/23 - 10:00-16:30
Registration possible until 17/04/23

6. Impact & research communication skills (DS BSH)

Takes place on 16/05/23 - 09:30-16:00
Registration possible until 18/04/23

7. Writing abstracts (DS BSH)

Takes place on 17/05/23 - 10:00-16:00
Registration possible until 19/04/23

8. How to succeed in academic publishing, with visuals (all DS)

Takes place on 26/05/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration possible until 23/04/23

9. Mind the GAP (Good Academic Practices) (all DS)

Takes place online (permanently accessible)

Details & registration

1. Career lunches: tap into a wealth of information (all DS)

Takes place (digitally) on 14 & 16/03/23 - 12:00-13:00
Registration is required for each separate career lunch

2. Interuniversity job market for young researchers (all DS)

Takes place on 28/03/23 - 12:00-18:00
Registration is required

3. Welcome to the real world - What is your role as PhD in R&D? (all DS)

Takes place on 02/05/23 - 09:00-16:30
Registration possible until 26/03/23

4. Pitch yourself! Connect and interact with non-academic professionals (all DS)

Takes place on 05/06 (Workshop 'Pitch perfect or pitch in practice?' - 09:00-16:30) & 06/06/23 (panel session & networking reception - 15:00-18:00)
Registration possible until 05/05/23

5. Individual career coaching (all DS)

Continuous offer
Application is required

The doctoral schools partner with several other departments and organisations. Below is an overview of their upcoming activities. For more information regarding their course offer and acknowledgement in your doctoral school portfolio, please consult this webpage.

1. Education department

- Welkom in blackboard ultra (NL) - diverse data - 13:00-15:00
- Middag(h)appje: Camtasia (NL) - 17/03/23 - 12:00-13:00
- Coaching bachelor and master theses (EN) - 29/03/23 - 10:00-12:00
- Using Google tools in your teaching (ENG - hybrid) - 30/03/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Apps & tools in het onderwijs (NL) - 25/04/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Civic opleidingsonderdeel vormgeven: hoe doe je dat? (NL) - 26/04/23 - 10:00-12:00
- Middag(h)appje: Google jamboard (NL - digitally) - 03/05/23 - 12:15-12:45
- Redelijke faciliteiten/bijzondere omstandigheden (NL) - 11/05/23- 10:00-12:00
- Middag(h)appje: Camtasia for advanced users (ENG) - 12/05/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Middag(h)appje: Wooclap (NL - digitally) - 16/05/23 - 12:15-12:45

2. Research data management (RDM) 

- Open Source Software License - 16/03/23 - 09:00-11:00
- Exploring Research Data Management - 18/04/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Writing a Data Management Plan (FWO/BOF/IOF/VLAIO) - 25/04/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Wrapping up your research project: what about the data? - 09/05/23 - 13:00-15:00
- FRDN network day: 'Imaging the future of Open Science Flanders together' - 11/05/23
- Eureka!: on finding and re-using secondary data - 23/05/23 - 13:00-15:00Open source software license - 24/01/23 - 13:00-16:00

3. HR Department

Hasselt University encourages personal growth and development among its staff by offering all kinds of trainings and courses throughout the academic year.

4. School of Expert Education (SEE)

Training for professionals, built on academic expertise with the aim of creating a unique learning environment to refine and broaden your expertise.

5. Flanders’ training network for methodology and statistics (FLAMES)

Courses on statistics and methodology, which take place throughout the academic year at all Flemish universities. The FLAMES summer school and courses organized at Hasselt University are listed in this newsletter; the others can be found on the FLAMES website.

- Introduction to JMP - 31/03/23 - 09:30-15:30
- Missing data Methods (digitally) - 17/04-27/04/23 - 13:00-17:00
- FLAMES annual meeting - Let citizens strengthen your research - 28/04/23 - 09:00-16:30
- Ethnographic research and observational methods (digitally) - 31/05/23 (09:00-12:00) & 02/06/23 (09:00-13:00)


The EURECA-PRO Alliance consists of 9 partners who joined forces to enable students, researchers and staff to study, teach and research in the field of responsible consumption and production with the long-term goal of a joined virtual and integrated European campus until 2040. They also organize regular activities for (young) researchers.

- Colloquium of young researchers - 05-09/06/23
- Third EURECA-PRO Conference on Responsible Consumption and Production - 26-29/09/23

6. Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)

Courses and trainings on artificial intelligence for professionals and researchers in Flanders which take place throughout the academic year. In this newsletter only activities and trainings specifically organised or interesting for PhD students/posdocs are listed; the others can be found on the VAIA website. 

- 2-day masterclass 'AI & digital design tools in architecture' - 11/05-13/05/23

7. Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC)

Trainings on many HPC-related topics which take place throughout the academic year.

1. EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion

2. SciMingo - Science Communication (SciComm) Academy

3. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)

4. CAJAL Advanced neuroscience training

5. European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON)

6. NEURO courses UK

7. Academy for Rehabilitation Sciences (ACREHAB)

8. Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)

9. LifeLong Learning @ Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences KU Leuven (FABER)

10. Pro-Q-Kine

11. TUTECH academy

12. DocEnhance


1.  Generet award in rare diseases - pre-proposals deadline: 03/04/23

2. Scientific Prize McKinsey & Company - application deadline: 03/04/23

3. Nokia Bell Scientific Award - application deadline: 12/04/23

4. SCK CEN Chair “Roger Van Geen” 2023 - application deadline: 17/04/23

5. FIRRI Symposium 'Recent advances in rehabilitation of cardiorespiratory and internal diseases' - 28/04/23

6. JBI Scoping review workshop - 25/05/23

7. ReMaT - Research Management Training for early-stage scientists - online - 12-13/06/23

8. BioBusiness Summer School - 19-23/06/23

9. Eleventh International Conference on Radiation, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Technology and Ecology - 19-23/06/23

10. Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School - 10-21/07/23

11. 17th International Conference on e-Learning and Digital Learning 2023 - 15-17/07/23

12. Online tool: Smart4Policy – Reflect about your work on policy!

vlaamse overheid

Please do not reply to this email. Questions can be directed to doctoralschools@uhasselt.be.

Universiteit Hasselt | Martelarenlaan 42 | BE-3500 Hasselt |www.uhasselt.be