Upcoming DS activities for postdocs - 20/04/23
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Newsletter | April 20, 2023

This newsletter provides an overview of all upcoming activities, either organized specifically for postdocs or for postdocs and PhD students combined, and links to other potentially interesting events or information.

More details on, and registration links for, upcoming activities are available on the website of the doctoral schools. When you enrol for a doctoral school activity, make sure to take our cancellation & no-show policy into account. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at all times on doctoralschools@uhasselt.be.

1. Let's talk science, a taste of science communication

Want to get a taste of the world of science communication? This three-day event (04-06/07/23) is all about communicative competences consisting of a plenary session and a maximum of 2 workshops. The plenary session will be attended by researchers from all over Flanders, inviting them to share ideas and experiences. The workshops give you the opportunity to gain skills such as presentation and interviewing techniques, making posters or writing for non-experts. Want to participate? The applications for a 'Let's Talk Science'-account are open right now! Registering is a two-step procedure. First, we check if you are eligible to participate. Due to limited places, we give priority to PhD students and postdocs. Starting from May 4 2023, approved participants can log in and register for programme items. You can register for a maximum of one plenary session and two workshops. On top of that, we offer an additional programme consisting of a maximum of one visit to the Ghent University Museum and some inspirational sessions. You can already find a glimpse of our programme on our website. Note: the programme is currently under construction. More sessions will be added in the course of the following weeks. Let's Talk Science is organized in Ghent, though some workshops can be followed online.

2. Pitch yourself - Connect and interact with non-academic professionals

Do you think it is easy to capture the positive attention of your dream-organisation’s CEO in 3 minutes or less? If you are nodding your head in self-assured agreement, then this event is likely not for you. For all others, it definitely is! This yearly - unique! - event actively bridges the gap between the academic and non-academic sector. Junior researchers are brought into contact with (HR) managers from various  companies/organisations in a mock job interview context, allowing them to improve their interview skills, get to know the world 'out there' and expand their network. This year's edition will take place on June 5 and 6, 2023. More details through this link.

3. How to get a Marie Skłodowska Curie-Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowship?

The first step is to register for the Belgian webinar for the MSCA PF 2023 call on April 28, 2023. During this information session, the objectives of PFs, call modalities and hands-on information on the application submission and evaluation process will be provided, complemented by the perspectives from a MSCA PF fellow and an expert evaluator. Next, please contact Ilse Das from the research funding office of Hasselt University for all necessary support during your application process.

4. New website: Interuniversity course offer for young researchers at Flemish universities

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new website: 'Interuniversity course offer for young researchers at Flemish universities'. This platform provides a comprehensive overview of all inter-university training programmes available for young researchers across the five Flemish universities. The aim is to provide a one-stop-shop for aspiring researchers to find interesting training programmes at other institutions to enhance their generic & academic research skills and advance their careers. Visit our website and explore the diverse range of programmes on offer.

5. Research Day 2023: 50 years of research at UHasselt 

On June 7, 2023, UHasselt will organize its Research Day in the frame of highlighting all research areas of UHasselt. During this research day, we will also celebrate 50 years of UHasselt research.
All information available will be displayed on the UHasselt website.

Details & registration

1. Networking for researchers (all DS)

Takes place (digitally) on 03/05/23 -14:00-16:00
Registration is required

2. Effective habits building (all DS)

Takes place on 24/05/23 -13:00-17:00
Registration possible until 23/04/23

3. Stress and resilience for researchers (all DS)

Takes place on 31/05 & 27/06/23 - 13:00-17:00
Registration possible until 24/04/23

4. Negotiation skills (all DS)

Takes place on 14 & 15/06/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration possible until 14/05/23

5. Bullet journaling as a tool for planning my research (all DS)

Takes place on 20/06/23 - 10:30-12:30
Registration possible until 21/05/23

6. Managing conflicts (all DS)

Takes place on 26/06/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration possible until 29/05/23

7. Let's Talk Science, a taste of science communication (all DS) 

Takes place on 04-06/07/2023
Registration (two-step procedure) possible until 05/06/23 (or until there are no places left)

Details & registration

1. PhD seminar series: ARK-LUCA Lecture on decolonial aesthesis (DS BSH)

Takes place on 03/05/23 - 14:00-17:00
Registration is required

2. Energy talks 2023: Linking science, policy makers, industry and young researchers (DS ST)

Takes place on 05, 22, 26/05 & 08/06/2023 
Registration is required

3. Summerschool on 'Big data in health and care' (DS HLS)

Takes place on 22-26/05/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration is required

4. How to succeed in academic publishing, with visuals (all DS)

Takes place on 26/05/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration possible until 23/04/23

5. SenAP Symposium - Senescence in Aging and Pathology (DS HLS)

Takes place on 09/06/23 - 09:00-17:00
Registration possible until 22/05/23 - Abstract deadline for talk and poster: 09/05/23

6. Infosession on intellectual property (DS BSH - BEW & SES)

Takes place on 27/06/23 - 09:00-11:00
Registration possible until 29/05/23

7. Mind the GAP (Good Academic Practices) (all DS)

Takes place online (permanently accessible)

Details & registration

1. Pitch yourself! Connect and interact with non-academic professionals (all DS)

Takes place on 05/06 (Workshop 'Pitch perfect or pitch in practice?' - 09:00-16:30) & 06/06/23 (panel session & networking reception - 15:00-18:00)
Registration possible until 05/05/23

2. Individual career coaching (all DS)

Continuous offer
Application is required

The doctoral schools partner with several other departments and organisations. Below is an overview of their upcoming activities. For more information regarding their course offer and acknowledgement in your doctoral school portfolio, please consult this webpage.

1. Education department

- Welkom in blackboard ultra (NL) - diverse data - 13:00-15:00
- Apps & tools in het onderwijs (NL) - 25/04/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Civic opleidingsonderdeel vormgeven: hoe doe je dat? (NL) - 26/04/23 - 10:00-12:00 
- Middag(h)appje: Google jamboard (NL - digitally) - 03/05/23 - 12:15-12:45
- Redelijke faciliteiten/bijzondere omstandigheden (NL) - 11/05/23- 10:00-12:00 
- Middag(h)appje: Camtasia for advanced users (ENG) - 12/05/23 - 13:00-15:00
- Middag(h)appje: Wooclap (NL - digitally) - 16/05/23 - 12:15-12:45
- ChatGPT: wat is de impact op je onderwijs? (NL) - 22/05/23 - 10:00-12:00

2. Research data management (RDM) 
        - DMP writing session - 09/05/23 - 10:00-12:00
        - Wrapping up your research project: what about the data? - 09/05/23 - 13:00-15:00
        - FRDN network day: 'Imaging the future of Open Science Flanders together' - 11/05/23
        - Eureka!: on finding and re-using secondary data - 23/05/23 - 13:00-15:00
        - Pseudonymizing sensitive data (Hands-on) - 31/05/23 - 13:15-16:15
        - Pseudonymizing sensitive data (Theory and hands-on) - 01/06/23
        - DMP writing session - 06/06/23 - 13:00-15:00

3. HR Department

Hasselt University encourages personal growth and development among its staff by offering all kinds of trainings and courses throughout the academic year. Hungry for additional brainfood? Discover GoodHabitz, an online learning platform where you can choose from over 100 courses at your own pace and on your own schedule, available in 7 languages.

4. School of Expert Education (SEE)

Training for professionals, built on academic expertise with the aim of creating a unique learning environment to refine and broaden your expertise.

5. Flanders’ training network for methodology and statistics (FLAMES)

Courses on statistics and methodology, which take place throughout the academic year at all Flemish universities. The FLAMES summer school and courses organized at Hasselt University are listed in this newsletter; the others can be found on the FLAMES website.

- FLAMES annual meeting - Let citizens strengthen your research - 28/04/23 - 09:00-16:30
- Ethnographic research and observational methods (digitally) - 31/05/23 (09:00-12:00) & 02/06/23 (09:00-13:00)


The EURECA-PRO Alliance consists of 9 partners who joined forces to enable students, researchers and staff to study, teach and research in the field of responsible consumption and production with the long-term goal of a joined virtual and integrated European campus until 2040. They also organize regular activities for (young) researchers.

- Colloquium of young researchers - 05-09/06/23
- Third EURECA-PRO Conference on Responsible Consumption and Production - 26-29/09/23

7. Pitch Please

Pitch Please wil jongeren inspireren, informeren, uitdagen en ondersteunen om hun ondernemende kwaliteiten aan te scherpen. Een overzicht van de Pitch Please activiteiten kan je online terugvinden.

- Rondje van de zaak - 20/04/23 - 18:00-22:30
- Pitch Please - the big bang - 02/05/23 - 19:30-22:30

8. Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)

Courses and trainings on artificial intelligence for professionals and researchers in Flanders which take place throughout the academic year. In this newsletter only activities and trainings specifically organised or interesting for PhD students/posdocs are listed; the others can be found on the VAIA website. 

- 2-day masterclass 'AI & digital design tools in architecture' - 11/05-13/05/23

9. Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC)

Trainings on many HPC-related topics which take place throughout the academic year.

1. EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion

2. SciMingo - Science Communication (SciComm) Academy

3. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)

4. CAJAL Advanced neuroscience training

5. European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON)

6. NEURO courses UK

7. Academy for Rehabilitation Sciences (ACREHAB)

8. Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)

9. LifeLong Learning @ Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences KU Leuven (FABER)

10. Pro-Q-Kine

11. TUTECH academy

12. DocEnhance


1. FIRRI Symposium 'Recent advances in rehabilitation of cardiorespiratory and internal diseases' - 28/04/23

2. Exhibition and conference - Agents of Concern: Images and Empathy - call for papers deadline: 21/05/23

3. JBI Scoping review workshop - 25/05/23

4. ReMaT - Research Management Training for early-stage scientists - online - 12-13/06/23

5. BioBusiness Summer School - 19-23/06/23

6. Eleventh International Conference on Radiation, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Technology and Ecology - 19-23/06/23

7. Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School - 10-21/07/23

8. 17th International Conference on e-Learning and Digital Learning 2023 - 15-17/07/23

9. Online tool: Smart4Policy – Reflect about your work on policy!

vlaamse overheid

Please do not reply to this email. Questions can be directed to doctoralschools@uhasselt.be.

Universiteit Hasselt | Martelarenlaan 42 | BE-3500 Hasselt |www.uhasselt.be