Ir. Tobias Corthouts

Tobias Corthouts Tobias Corthouts

Tobias Corthouts

Tobias Corthouts

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

From a young age, Tobias loved crafting things in the workplace of his grandfather. His grandfather always said that Tobias had the potential to invent things. With the help of his grandfather, Tobias started living with the ambition “to be more than just an engineer”. Through this, Tobias found his way on the academic path.
In Tobias his last year in elementary school he performed a project that required him to print and design a lot of 3D-printed parts. Here, his interest in 3D printing was sparked. In university, Tobias continued following his interest in engineering by studying engineering technology at Hasselt University. He performed his master’s thesis abroad in Mombasa, Kenya at the Technical University of Mombasa. During his time in Mombasa, he designed and guided the construction of a biogas plant. In this period, he learned to think outside the box, and how to act as an engineer, and most importantly he learned about new cultures and fell in love with the knowledge which can be found in these cultures. Besides the professional skills learned in Kenya, this experience proved itself to be a huge turning point in Tobias his life. Since his arrival back in Belgium, Tobias has taken every opportunity he has to explore new countries and cultures and he adventures, hikes, and backpacks his way through this beautiful planet we live on.
After returning from Kenya, Tobias graduated from Hasselt University in 2021 with an engineering degree, specializing in Energy. However, during his period in Mombasa, Tobias was already applying for a PhD position in the research group of Prof. Dr. Ir. Wim Deferme. Still fascinated by the innovation of 3D printing, Tobias started his Ph.D. journey in November 2021 with an SB FWO grand and lived up to his motto “to be more than just an engineer”. With an eye on innovation and his grandfather’s prediction that “Tobias will invent things” in mind, Tobias started working on ultrasonic spray coating for 3D-printed parts, to reduce the roughness and add functional properties to the surface.
The academic world is truly something unique. According to Tobias, it’s a place where you have the freedom to creatively explore a project by your own rules and interests, a place where you are surrounded by colleges from all over the world, making it a multicultural work environment, something Tobias values heavily as a traveler.

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