The CoMix study

Health Economics Health Economics

The CoMix Study

‘CoMix’ is a groundbreaking study that follows households across Europe in real-time over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey asks people about their awareness, attitudes and behaviours in response to COVID-19 and measures how these change over time.

Already, the results have helped researchers calculate the reproduction, or R, number (an important factor in measuring the transmission rate of the virus) and track the effectiveness of particular restrictions in different countries. In doing so, CoMix is providing Governments and other key decision-makers with vital information on the types and timing of measures that are most effective in controlling the pandemic.

The survey first launched in March 2020 in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Early results have proved so crucial in assessing the spread and control of COVID-19 that the study has now been extended to an additional 17 countries in Europe. This will allow for broader comparisons of different national responses, equipping us with even greater knowledge of the pandemic and how to control it. This extension would not have been possible without the collaboration of local universities and public health agencies in each of the 17 countries and the support of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in establishing this collaborative network. A full list of CoMix partners can be found below.

CoMix is part of the EpiPose project funded by the European Commission. The study is led by Professor John Edmunds and Dr. Christopher Jarvis at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with support from Hasselt University. The fieldwork is delivered by Ipsos MORI UK.

CoMix Countries:

CoMix Countries

CoMix country reports:

Take a closer look at CoMix’s emerging results by reading our country-level reports. The country reports are compiled at regular intervals and provide a summary of survey findings from individual CoMix-participating countries.

Click on the links below to access the report for a given country.

Austria (pdf, 3.9 MB)
Denmark (pdf, 3.9 MB)
Estonia (pdf, 3.6 MB)
France (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Poland (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Portugal (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Spain (pdf, 3.6 MB)
Italy (pdf, 3.5 MB)
Croatia (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Finland (pdf, 4.0 MB)
Greece (pdf, 3.6 MB)
Hungary (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Lithuania (pdf, 4.0 MB)
Malta (pdf, 2.1 MB)
Slovakia (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Slovenia (pdf, 3.8 MB)
Switzerland (pdf, 4.1 MB)

CoMix Data:

The data relating to CoMix is hosted on the site and can be accessed here.

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