General questions


Headquarters: Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt

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Hasselt University has two campuses: Hasselt and Diepenbeek.

As a new student, you will come to Campus Hasselt to enrol. Campus Diepenbeek houses the Student Administration and Student Facilities Offices, study coaches and the Ombudsman.

liggingsplan campus Hasselt en campus Diepenbeek

Campus Hasselt

Tel. no. +32 11 26 81 11 Postal & visiting address

Martelarenlaan 42

3500 Hasselt

opening hours
  • The reception in the Oude Gevangenis is open on
    • Weekdays: 8.00 to 17.00
    • Saturday and Sunday: Closed

From July 10th until August 26th, the reception will close at 16.00

  • Campus Hasselt & the Law faculty building are open on
    • Weekdays: 7.30 - 22.00 u  (From July 10th until August 26th, open until 20.00)
    • Weekends: Closed
  • The White Barracks and Refugiehuis are open
    • Working days: 8.00 - 18.00
    • the building is open till 19.30, but after 18.00, you can only go OUT, not back in.
    • weekends: closed

Campus Diepenbeek

Tel. no. +32 11 26 81 11 Visiting address

Agoralaan gebouw D

3590 Diepenbeek

Opening hours

Building D reception is open on:

Weekdays: 8.00 to 17.00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

From July 10th until August 26th the reception will close at 16.00.

Building D is accessible on:

Weekdays: 7.00 to 22.00 (From July 10th until August 26th open until 21.00)

Saturday: 7.30 to 18.00 (From July 10th until August 26th open until 15.00)

Sunday: Closed

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