BOF Bridging grant


Funding organisation:

Bijzonder OnderzoeksFonds


The BOF PhD bridging grant programme aims to accommodate applications for a maximum of one year of additional funding by means of a co-financing of 50% personnel costs and € 2,500 operating funds (in alignment with the incentive for co-funding for the fourth grant year for grantees within the EU Framework Program, vide infra). This co-financing can be requested on the condition that at least 3 years of funding are guaranteed, of which at least part of the funding is acquired externally through a selection procedure.

The BOF bridging grant is awarded on the condition that the fellow has a positive report from the doctoral committee after 2 years. The BOF co-financing of 50% is granted for the last year as PhD. In case of a negative report from the doctoral committee, the award from the BOF is cancelled.

This programme is aligned with the BOF budget and takes effect as of 2022. There is no retroactive adjustment of acquired past grants.

Each selection round (per quarter), the candidates will be short-listed to the Research Council, who will award a grant to 1 candidate based on a lottery system. A PI cannot receive a bridging grant for more than one PhD candidate, to whom the PI wishes to act as supervisor for the doctorate, in two consecutive years.

Applications related to co-financing of external mandate funding have priority over project funding applications.


This program is open to candidate PhDs at the start of their PhD trajectory.
  • Applications related to co-financing of external mandate funding have priority over those under project funding.
  • The candidate has already at least 3 years of funding guaranteed, of which at least part of the funding is acquired externally through a selection procedure.


The promoter of the candidate-PhD can send a motivated request to Proof of the externally acquired funding through a selection procedure must be added.

The BOF bridging grant is awarded on the condition that the fellow has a positive report from the doctoral committee after 2 years. The BOF co-financing of 50% is granted for the last year as PhD. In case of a negative report from the doctoral committee, the award from the BOF is cancelled.
This programme is aligned with the BOF budget and takes effect as of 2022. There is no retroactive adjustment of acquired past grants.

The selection of candidates will take place at the beginning of every quarter.


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