FWO - call for Scientific Research Networks (SRN) 2024


Funding organisation:

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen


This grant supports researchers with the coordination of Scientific Research Networks. These are international networks of researchers that encourage national and international cooperation.

These virtual research groups are set up through efficient coordination and intensive collaboration at (inter)national level. They prevent dual usage and provide researchers with more development opportunities. A scientific research network places the research of individual and complementary research departments in a wider framework.

Duration of projects: 5 years, renewable
Annual bench fee: maximum 12,000 EUR


A Scientific Research Network consists at least of:
  • three research groups from at least two eligible host institutions within the Flemish Community (see regulations Article 2);
  • minimum two research groups from research institutions from the French Community and/or from abroad.

When relevant, research groups from organizations other than research institutions can be added to the Scientific Research Network provided that they conduct (strategic) basic research and that their participation is of added value to the Scientific Research Network.

Participation of junior research groups and a gender balance are encouraged.

Top-up funding opportunity when Welsh research group(s) are involved: When a SRN involves minimum one Welsh research group from one university from Wales, the involved Welsh research group(s) can request a financial top-up from Universities Wales on behalf of the Global Wales Partnership. This top-up needs to be requested making use of the FWO application form for SRNs. For more information on this top-up funding opportunity see the following guidelines.

One of the Flemish research groups acts as the core group. This group must enjoy an international reputation for its high-quality outstanding scientific research.

A research group is only allowed to act as core group for a single ongoing Scientific Research Network and can apply once as a core group in each application round.


Applications must be submitted by e-mail to interprog@fwo.be by September 2nd (5pm) 2024, using the appropriate Application form

Announcement results: December 2024

Start: 01 January 2025


General regulations

Regulations for Scientific Research Networks

More information?

You can find more information on the website and in the following guidelines.

Please contact research@uhasselt.be if you want to apply.



Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail sarah.szyr@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211269052

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