BELSPO - S4Policy - policy-driven projects


Funding organisation:

POD Wetenschapsbeleid


Belspo will open a call for proposals open to all the Belgian scientific community (universities, colleges, universities of applied sciences, public research centres, non-profit organisations having the pursuit of scientific research in their statutes) on 25 June 2024, in the frame of the newly adopted Science 4 Policy research programme.

The Science 4 Policy programme (S4Policy in short) is an 8-year programme that aims at providing a scientific support to the decision-making process in the federal government and its administrations.

This call for proposals relates to the “policy-driven projects” of the S4Policy programme. These projects are submitted by the federal departments and call for a scientific support from the Belgian academic community. These projects aim either at an academic support to reinforce analytical capacities within federal departments or provide scientific evidence to inform federal policies. The intention is to fund, for each policy-driven project, the best scientific team based
on a two-stage peer review followed by a selection stage based solely on the support to federal competences.

These policy-driven projects are based on a co-funding scheme where BELSPO funds max. 90% and the concerned department(s) a min. of 10%. The financial commitment of federal departments ensure that the project seek maximum impact and invite to a strong relation between scientists and federal administrations.

The projects are organised around the following topics that comply with the strategic goals of the federal government:

  • Digital Transformation
  • Strategic autonomy and resilience of Belgium
  • Inclusion, health and wellbeing
  • Green and societal Transformation

An information session has been organised on 28 June. You can find the slides here.

Important notice: Unfortunately, the topic "History of the persecution and social exclusion of people on the basis of their sexual orientation at different periods in our history (5.6)" has been withdrawn from this call. 


Deadline submission Expression of Interest (EoI): September 5, 2024.
Only when you have submitted an EoI, you will be able to submit your Full Proposal.
Deadline submission Full Proposal: October 10, 2024

Submission is via an online platform, for which the link will be available on the website on 27 August, 2024.

More information?

Call pre-announcement texte.

You can find more information and the necessary documents on the website.

Please contact if you want to apply.



Contact Hasselt University?


Tel. +3211269052

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