38th CORNET Call


Funding organisation:

Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen


CORNET is a network of ministries and funding agencies that combine their existing funding schemes to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In this way, CORNET supports new funding organisations worldwide to introduce pilot actions and schemes for pre-competitive Collective Research.

CORNET has launched its 38th call for proposals. Deadline for submission of project proposals is 25 September 2024 (12pm). This CORNET Call for Proposals is based on existing funding programmes for (collective) research in the participating countries/regions. It still wants to make international collaboration possible for these national/regional programmes, whereby every project participant will be funded by the funding organisation of their own country or region.

This implies that rules for participation and funding in CORNET are basically the same as the ones currently applicable in the national/regional programmes of the various participating countries/regions. Therefore, different rules may apply to participants within one project consortium. An overview of the national/regional programmes and their eligibility criteria can be found on the CORNET website 

CORNET projects must:

  • address Collective Research
    • serve the need of a wide grouping of companies, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
    • ensure that the results of research are spread throughout the target grouping of companies by suitable measures (Knowledge transfer must be an integral part of a CORNET project)
    • be pre-competitive meaning research and development in which there is collaboration but no competition
  • show that by performing the research on an international scale significant added value is generated
Project duration: maximum 24 months


An essential feature of CORNET is that funding is allocated according to the rules of the involved national/regional programmes.  
Both the VLAIO COOCK and TETRA funding channels are integrated within this call. 

The application process consists of two parallel steps:

1) Submission on CORNET level
2) Submission on national/regional level

Proposals at CORNET level need to be submitted by the coordinating association via the CORNET submission tool. In parallel, all partners have to send a national/regional application form to their own national/regional funding organisation, using the local template and referring to the CORNET project proposal. More information on the template that needs to be used for the submission to VLAIO can be found on the VLAIO website. Proposals at VLAIO level need to be submitted via the online submission tool.
Deadline for submission of project proposals is 25 September 2024 (12pm).


Guidelines for Applicants.

More information?

More information on the CORNET call for proposals can be found on the CORNET website and the VLAIO website.

Find a project partner
On the CORNET website, you can find various possibilities to support you in your search for partners. You can:
- check existing project ideas and organisation profiles
- publish your project idea or organisation profile
- find information on partnering events
- find contact information to get individual support for your partner search

Support for applicants by the Research Funding Unit
Please contact research@uhasselt.be as soon as possible if you intend to apply. 

The Research Funding Unit:

  • Helps with process-related questions (e.g. questions about the application template, submission procedure, etc.)
  • Acts as an intermediary between the researchers and VLAIO
  • Acts as an intermediary when internal (TTO, PER, FIN) or external consultation is necessary
  • Helps with preparing the project budget
  • Checks the final project budget
  • Helps with administrative formalities relating to Hasselt University
  • Has the mandate to finalize the online submission of the VLAIO application for Hasselt University

Deadline intern

18.09.2024, 25.09.2024

Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail sarah.szyr@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211269052

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