FWO - Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Award


Funding organisation:

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen


The Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Award 2025 will be awarded to an established researcher of at least postdoctoral level for an original fundamental or translational contribution in the field of endocrinology, diabetes, metabolism or nutrition. The award will be given in recognition of previously accomplished work, taking into account the possible perspectives the work may bring to this field in the future. The new award has a value of 30.000 EUR

The researcher must
  • have a PhD;
  • have earned his first doctoral degree no more than 16 years before the date of the submission deadline (possibly extended in case of eligible career breaks, see regulations);
  • the award can only be given to an individual scientist from postdoctoral level onwards who is affiliated to a Belgian university or university hospital. The applicant must have been doing research in Belgium in a (bio)medical context for at least 5 years in total, including 3 years immediately prior to the submission deadline for this application.


You can submit your candidacy using the appropriate form, filled in correctly and completely (in English), on 03 March 2025 at the latest. Applications have to be submitted to prijzen@fwo.be
The application form and the regulations can be found on the FWO website .

Your candidacy is submitted to a jury, who will be selecting the laureate for the prize.

More information?

For more information you can contact prijzen@fwo.be

Always contact research@uhasselt.be if you want to apply.



Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail carine.ulenaers@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211268950

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