Funding organisation:
On 12 December 2024 Interreg Flanders - The Netherlands launched its fourth call for proposals. Deadline for submission of proposals via the e-portal is
6 March 2025 (5 PM).
The program wishes to allocate €38.5 million through this fourth call for projects. In principle, the following budget is allocated per priority:
- A Smarter Europe (SDs A1 and A2): € 9.5 million ERDF
- A Greener Europe (SDs B1 to B6): €12.5 million ERDF
- A more social Europe:
- labor market (SDs C1 and C2): € 6 million ERDF
- sustainable tourism (SD C3): €7.5 million ERDF
4. A Europe without Borders (SD D1): € 3 million ERDF
The Steering Committee may deviate from the maximum budget foreseen for the call and the above distribution among the open priorities. Please note that this may be the last call within the Interreg VI Flanders - the Netherlands program period.
We want to remind researchers that
EFRO only finances 50% of the project budget. Co-financing should, therefore, already be considered when drawing up the project budget. Flemish and provincial co-financing should not be taken for granted here.
Proposal submission must be done via
the e-portal and follows a 2-stage procedure. Stage 1 deadline is
6 March 2025 (5 PM).Timeline application procedure 6 March 2025: Deadline submission stage 1
18 June 2025: Announcement results stage 1
10 October 2025: Deadline submission full proposals
28 January 2026: Announcement results stage 2
As co-financing is necessary, please always contact to enable optimal support.
You can find more information about the regulations of the programme
You can find more information about this call on the
Interreg Flanders-The Netherlands website.
Please always contact if you want to apply.
Tel. +3211268070