VLAIO - AgroEcology Partnership: 2nd call


Funding organisation:

Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen


With this second call, the AGROECOLOGY partnership continues the implementation of the priorities identified in AGROECOLOGY’s strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA).

The general theme of this second call for projects by the AGROECOLOGY partnership focuses on two Topics:
1. determine and assess the benefits and impact of agroecology, and identify best practices
2. transform value chains, businesses and policies to facilitate the transition to agroecology

Research and innovation proposals shall apply the multi-actor approach and exhibit co-creation and co-implementation structures, via Living labs or initiatives following the Living lab approach.

This call for research and innovation projects addresses a transition to agroecology in the context of both conventional and organic farming systems.

The partnership will fund research projects, which contribute to the scope of the call either by developing new methods, approaches, perspectives and technologies or by providing analyses on agroecology’s sustainability dimensions.

VLAIO provides € 1,000,000 support for research and knowledge institutions for agricultural projects.
The support channels research and development projects (for enterprises) will be used for the remaining € 500,000.


Universities and other higher education institutions, public research institutions, profit and nonprofit organisations, consumers/citizens, civil society representatives and private companies can apply.

Research consortia must consist of a minimum of three Partners requesting funding from at least three different Members States or Horizon Europe associated countries and Funders of this co-funded call.

Each research project consortium must appoint a Coordinator which has to be a Partner of a consortium.


The submission of a pre-proposal is compulsory to submit a full proposal. Full proposal is on invitation only, subject to a positive selection of your pre-proposal.

Pre-proposals can be submitted via the submission system and by the coordinator of a pre-proposal only. Pre-proposals by other means are not accepted and will be rejected. To submit a pre-proposal, a coordinator of your consortium needs to be appointed who will then register to the submission platform (COORDINATOR REGISTRATION) and will then invite all partners to the pre-proposal.

Deadline pre-proposal: 17/02/2025, 14:00
Deadline full proposal: 09/07/2025, 14:00

Please note that only the coordinator can carry out and complete the pre-proposal submission on behalf of each applying research consortium. However, each partner needs to complete his/her part of the partner profile.

For all partners of an applying consortium, it is strongly recommended to contact their respective funder contact point to clarify any questions well in advance of the submission.

As a Flemish participant, you have to submit a digital application to VLAIO for the Flemish project part for an agricultural project or a research or development project by 17 February 2025. Do not forget to indicate that your project is part of an international project application and select AgroEcology as Euronetwork!

More information?

You can find more information and the necessary documents and regulations on the AgroEcology website.

More information on the specific VLAIO modalities can be found on the VLAIO website.



Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail sarah.szyr@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211269052

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