FWO - Grant for a scientific stay in Flanders


Funding organisation:

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen


With this new channel, Grant for a scientific stay in Flanders, the FWO expands its portfolio with a channel for individual incoming mobility so that foreign researchers, affiliated to a non-Belgian institution, can apply for a grant for a scientific stay in Flanders. 

For whom is this an interesting channel? Researchers in Flanders who want to start or further develop a collaboration with a colleague abroad, and who want to bring this colleague for a short period of time to their own research facilities. The central question is always “What is the (scientific) added value for Flanders of bringing that particular researcher to Flanders?”.


  • A stay in Flanders of minimum 1 month and maximum 3 months without interruption.
  • The grant includes (solely) for the beneficiary:
    • Payment of one-off travel costs, round trip, place of work abroad – Belgium;
      • Since the 1st of January 2020 FWO has a sustainable travel policy in place in all her funding channels. For more details, see here.
    • Fixed daily allowance of EUR 66 (or max. EUR 1,650 /month).
  • Announcement of results: via e-mail, to the applicant and the host researcher in Flanders.
  • Procedure for booking journeys when travelling on a travel grant


  • An application for a grant for a scientific stay in Flanders can only be made upon the official and specific invitation of a researcher (research group) in Flanders, that is the host researcher. This invitation must be uploaded in the online application form (see below under 'How does the application procedure work?').
  • There are no nationality restrictions, as long as all the criteria set out in the regulations are fulfilled. However, in the context of FWO's policy on good practice in international cooperation: please contact research@uhasselt.be – before preparing the application – to obtain more information on the specific modalities concerning some partners.
  • The applicant for a grant for a scientific stay in Flanders:
    • Holds a PhD by thesis or a diploma or certificate recognised as equivalent (see the regulations for detailed information);
    • Has a remunerated appointment of at least 50% (salary or scholarship with a minimum appointment of 50%) at a non-Belgian research institution for the entire duration of the scientific stay in Flanders. Under no circumstances may the applicant have a remunerated appointment – regardless of the percentage of this appointment – at a university or research institution in Belgium.
    • Has at least one peer-reviewed publication.
    • Only one grant for a scientific stay in Flanders can be granted per person and per calendar year.
    • Must create (and/or update) an account on the FWO e-portal. It is important that the data in this profile is up-to-date, among other things for the payment of the FWO funding in case of approval.
  • The host researcher:
    • Is affiliated to UHasselt
    • Must hold at least one of the appointments or be a holder of a research mandate as defined in Article 10 of the Regulations of the Research Foundation – Flanders governing fundamental research projects. An equivalent appointment (with PhD) of at least 50% at the non-university institutions stated above is also allowed.
    • Per calendar year, the host researcher can receive only one researcher with a grant for a scientific stay in Flanders.


  • Submission: by the candidate (applicant) theirself, online (via FWO e-portal) in English, at the latest three months before departure. If submitted correctly, the candidate (applicant) will immediately receive confirmation by e-mail. If not, please contact us at interprog@fwo.be. The host researcher will be informed of the submission via a notification e-mail.
    • Note: the host researcher has to inform his own host institution of the submitted application (the planned incoming stay).
  • It is mandatory to upload the following documents in the online application form (in the applicable sections):
    • A short scientific CV;
    • A letter from the candidate's (applicant's) own institution (employer) confirming that the candidate complies with Article 2 §2 of the regulations;
    • A letter of invitation, signed by the host researcher, in which the exact period and necessity of the planned scientific stay are clearly explained, as well as the scientific added value for the research group in Flanders.

Note: The absence of (one of) the aforementioned documents immediately results in the inadmissibility of the application.

  • Applications for a grant for a scientific stay in Flanders are submitted to the International Scientific Contacts Committee (CIWC). To find out when your application will be evaluated and when you will get the result, please consult this calendar.
    • Please note that the International Scientific Contacts Committee (CIWC) does not meet in August.
  • Advice, selection and evaluation criteria: You can find all the advice, selection and evaluation criteria for applying for a 'Grant for a scientific stay in Flanders' at the FWO here.
  • If approved, the beneficiary is responsible for complying with all legal obligations in force concerning a stay in Belgium.

More information?

More information, such as general FWO regulations, Regulations on 'Grant for a scientific stay in Flanders', a scientific report form, a financial report form and a declaration for travel by car can be found on the FWO website.

The application from is available via the e-portal.

Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail ilse.das@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211268098

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