FWO - call SBO projects (Strategic Basic Research) 2024


Funding organisation:

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen


The Strategic Basic Research (SBO) programme focuses on innovative research which, if scientifically successful, will create prospects for economic or social applications (e.g. a new generation of products, processes or services).

The SBO programme breaks down into two finality parts: an economic programme part for projects with primarily an economic finality and a social programme part for projects with primarily a social finality.


  • Project period: 4 years. With justification, a shorter project period is acceptable.
  • Acceptable costs:
    • Research staffing, operation, equipment and subcontracting contracts (in accordance with cost model rules)
      • Max. € 425.000 (excl. overhead)/year/participating legal entity with a share of more than 15% of the total project budget
    • The total cost of tasks carried out by subcontractors may not exceed 50% of the total budget
    • guideline with regard to the magnitude of the project budget: € 1.700.000
  • Funding percentage: 100%
The results will be announced in end of May 2025.

More information can be found in the manuals on the FWO website.


Eligible organisations: research centres (such as universities, university colleges, strategic research centers) in the Flemish region:

  • IMEC, VITO, VIB, Flanders Make, VLIZ and the Flemish scientific institutions receiving an allocation from the Flemish government must submit an SBO proposal in collaboration with at least one other Flemish research centre
  • Flemish university colleges (‘hogescholen’) must always submit an SBO project proposal in collaboration with or at least after a positive advice of the university with which it is associated. This
    takes the form of a document in which the university agrees to the submission of the project proposal by the university college. Flemish university colleges must always submit a proposal in
    collaboration with at least one other Flemish research centre
  • max. 20% of the budget may be earmarked for non-Flemish research centres (= combined sub-budgets of non-Flemish research centres that are part of the consortium and that are carrying out specific sub-tasks as subcontracting) 


Submission proposal in preparation to the host institution (= main applicant of the proposal) through the FWO e-portal:
FWO deadline: 13 September 2025, 17u

This preliminary application should contain at least the following information:
1) Full composition of the project consortium
2) Summary of scientific & valorization goals
3) Choice of the research topic and thematic SBO expert panel
4) Experts to be avoided (max. 3)

For main applicants only: Don't forget to transfer the proposal in application to the host institution before the deadline by clicking the button "submit to host institution". After submitting the proposal the research coordination office will reopen the application so researchers can finalize their proposal.

Submission final proposal to the host institution through the FWO e-portal:
UHasselt internal deadline: 23 September 2024, 10u

=> This deadline is only applicable if UHasselt is the main applicant. If UHasselt is a co-applicant, the internal deadline of the main host institution needs to be respected.


More information?

More information can be found on the FWO website

Useful UHasselt relevant documents can be found on the intranet.

Support for applicants

Exploratory meetings at FWO

Potential applicants may request an exploratory (online) discussion with the FWO staff. Please send an e-mail to sbo@fwo.be including a short abstract (max. 1 A4 page). The applicants should also provide a number of possible dates (day and desirable hour) when this exploratory interview could take place. The information that is provided during this meeting should be interpreted as non-binding advice and no rights can be derived from this information.

Deadline intern

13.09.2024, 27.09.2024

Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail sarah.szyr@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211269052

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