KBS - Fund Orcadia - Seed grant for promising researchers - applied research on Health-Environment Interactions


Funding organisation:

Koning Boudewijnstichting


The King Baudouin Foundation launched the 3rd call of Fund Orcadia. Fund Orcadia launches a career development grant for young and talented researchers pursuing their research career and/or strengthening their application for longer-term fellowships and funding (postdoc level or equivalent).

The Fund intends to support:
  • Applied Research: the project should tackle practical, concrete and current issues and should impact the stakeholders involved in the topic (beyond the academic field);
  • A project on the interactions between the natural environment and human health (physical or mental).

Various research domains are eligible, including Public Health, Psychology, Medicine (Preventive and Curative Care of physical and mental ailments), Epidemiology, Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics or any other discipline/interdisciplinary work investigating the link between Environment and Health in current contexts.

Possible topics are (non-exhaustive list):
  • Impacts of climate change disasters on health (heat waves, droughts, floods, water contamination, forest fires, ...) and preventive measures;
  • Impacts of natural disasters on migration and conflicts, with their negative consequences on physical and mental health;
  • Pollution and its impacts on health;
  • Emerging infectious diseases linked to close interactions between humans and natural habitats and the animal world: deforestation, loss of biodiversity, intensive livestock farming, trade in animal species, ...;
  • Psychological distress related to future environmental changes: eco-anxiety, solastalgia; Mental health benefits of contact with nature (environmental psychology), including the role of green spaces in cities, gardening therapies, connection with nature, biophilia, ...

A total amount of € 100.000 is available for this call and can be used to (co-)finance the excellent research project of one highly talented researcher, covering a period between 9 and 18 months.


  • The candidates should have a maximum of 3 years of active research activities (with an additional year per childbirth or adoption) following the date of PhD award or are about to complete their PhD (defence within 6 months after the deadline of the call);
  • During the project, the candidates will work full-time or part-time (at least 70%) at a university, academic institution or research centre;
  • The candidates have no guaranteed funding for their salary for the coming years but intend to apply for longer-term funding;
  • The application is formally supported by an established researcher in the field, preferably from the host institution.


Deadline pre-proposal: 9 October 2024 - via mail to lamotte.l@kbs-frb.be

Deadline full proposal: 7 January 2025 (midnight) - via the online portal 


Regulations are available in the call document.

More information?

You can find more information on the website of the King Baudouin Foundation.

Please always contact research@uhasselt.be if you want to apply.



Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail annelies.stockmans@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211268070

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