VLAIO - 3rd call Clean Energy Transition Partnership


Funding organisation:

Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen


The Clean energy Transition partnership (CETPartnership) supports ambitious, transnational research and development projects to accelerate the energy transition within the outlines of the EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan).

To cover different topics and RDI types, this Call is structured into 11 Call Modules, aimed at different energy technologies and/or systems as well as both research and innovation oriented approaches on different Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), complementing and completing each other.

VLAIO provides a budget of EUR 1,000,000 to finance the Flemish part, with the maximum support per project capped at EUR 500,000.

This second call is open from 19 September 2024 to 21 November 2024.


VLAIO allocates funding for Flemish organisations via Research Projects or Development Projects. Hasselt University can not receive funding without the participation of a Flemish company.


The CETPartnership Joint Call 2024 has two parts:

International Part: The international call is performed in 2-stages: submission of a pre-proposal followed by an invite to submit a full proposal.

National/Regional Part: All project partners will be evaluated according to national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements.

The project leader of the international CETPartnership project submits the project to CETPartnership by 21 November 2024, 14:00 CET.

As a Flemish participant you also have to submit a digital application for a research or development project for the Flemish part of the project to VLAIO on the same date.
After registration with your eID you receive (as main applicant) a link to your application to complete the proposal and to upload all necessary supporting documents. Please note that after submitting a part of the proposal, the data in this proposal cannot be modified anymore. Make sure that before submitting all parts that the budget is final and that everything in the online portal is consistent with the content of the completed templates.

Only OBI is allowed to submit the part for the "kennisinstelling", as they have a mandate to do so.

More information?

You can find more information on the VLAIO website and the CETPartnership website.

Please contact research@uhasselt.be if you want to apply.



Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail sarah.szyr@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211269052

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