Meet the jury seminar: From ideas to impact: a new paradigm for digital device innovation

24 September 2024
campus Diepenbeek

This event has already taken place.


We kindly invite you to join the ‘Meet the Jury’ seminar, featuring international speakers to discuss their research on 'From ideas to impact: a new paradigm for digital device innovation'.

This seminar will be given by:

  • Prof. dr. Steve Hodges (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)

Prototyping new digital devices is easier than ever! A wide variety of platforms, tools and online resources support hobbyists and professionals alike. This has unlocked a ‘long tail’ of prototype devices from wearables to environmental sensors and from assistive technologies to electronic toys. But moving beyond one or two prototypes is still surprisingly difficult and expensive.

In this talk I will illustrate the benefits of scaling beyond a prototype by way of a specific example, the SenseCam wearable camera. I will explain what makes the scaling process for electronic devices hard, and introduce research that we and others are doing to change this. We believe that an emerging set of tools and platforms will increasingly empower a diverse community of hardware creators to scale up their efforts, unlocking a long tail of digital devices that underpin much broader impact.

Steve Hodges is a passionate proponent and communicator of all things tech, enabling others to better understand and leverage technology. He combines hardware research, engineering and design skills to conceive novel solutions that make computers more useful, engaging and inclusive. His work spans domains such as the internet of things, mobile & ubiquitous computing, assistive technologies and education. He works at all scales from prototype to production, and his work has contributed to millions of devices with tens of millions of users.

This is a Meet the Jury seminar. Additional information on how to apply for these seminars can be found here.


For whom?

  • PhD students and postdocs

When and where?

  • September 24, 2024 - 15:00-16:30
  • Campus Diepenbeek, Auditorium, Expertisecenter for Digital Media (EDM)


  • Registration is obligatory here.

Acknowledged as?

  • DS ST: category 'advanced discipline-specific knowledge' - seminar from an external speaker

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