Big Interview training tool (tryout session)

11 June 2024 - 19 June 2024
campus Diepenbeek
Hr Process 4783430 1280 Hr Process 4783430 1280

This event has already taken place.


During a try-out session on June 11, junior researchers will get the opportunity to discover the Big Interview training tool.

Big interview is an online career platform with a focus on job interviews and resumes. It will help to ace your job interview in several ways. First off, a set of video lessons will provide insight into common interview questions, types of interviews and interviewers, tips and tricks on nonverbal communication, and so on. Next, you will get the chance to prepare yourself by means of mock interviews. Personalised feedback on your mock interview answers will be given thanks to the AI feedback tool. Apart from that, you can build your personal resume by an online creator tool and you can scan your resume in order to receive feedback afterwards.

Sounds interesting? Watch Rosanne Ceuppens (Doctoral Schools) demonstrate the Big Interview Tool on June 11. A more elaborate dive into the online tool is only possible upon receiving a personalised login.

This session is organized in English.


You will not only reflect upon your strengths, you will also (further) develop certain competences by participating in this workshop. The following competences from the UHasselt competency overview are actively dealt with:

  • personal effectiveness:
    • self-development
    • self-confidence
    • autonomy


For whom?

  • PhD students & postdocs

When and where?

  • June 11, 2024: 10:00-11:00
    • Campus Diepenbeek, E139

Registration & preparation?

  • Registration is closed.
  • Please cancel your registration at least one week in advance in case you cannot make it (cf. cancellation & no-show policy).

This workshop is part of the 'career week' (10-14/06/24) and is organized by the career center in collaboration with the doctoral schools. Check out the full programme here

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