Mentoring trajectory

“Mentoring is an interpersonal activity to support and encourage people to manage their own learning, in order that they maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.” (Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring)

The mentoring programme at UHasselt is aimed at supporting (post)doctoral researchers in their further career development. It implies a one-on-one interaction between an experienced mentor and a less experienced mentee.

There are two possible tracks in the mentoring programme:

  • academic mentoring: mentoring towards an academic career, by a UHasselt professor (from a different faculty),
  • civic mentoring: mentoring towards successfully entering the external labour market, by someone from a non-academic organization (small/large company, government, hospital, social sector, ...).

The academic track is only open to postdocs. The civic track is open to both postdocs and PhD students in the second half of their PhD trajectory.

The mentor-mentee relationship is a non-hierarchical, supportive relationship, based on mutual trust and respect. Mentor and mentee are meeting each other on a regular basis and exchange experiences. Importantly, the trajectory is mentee-driven: the main topics of discussion are determined by the mentee and the mentee is encouraged to think carefully about their personal ambitions and professional goals (development approach). The information shared is kept strictly confidential.

The duration of the mentoring trajectory is typically one year.

Information trajectory 2025:

Who can apply?

  • Postdocs
    • In order to be eligible, you need to be appointed as a postdoc at UHasselt for at least 50%, for at least one more year (i.e., at least until the end of 2025, preferably until February 2026).
  • PhD students
    • Only for the civic track
    • In order to be eligible, you need to be in the second half of your PhD trajectory and you need to be appointed for at least one more year (i.e., at least until the end of 2025, preferably until February 2026).
  • You need to be available on January 21, 2025 for an introductory workshop. Participation in this workshop is obligatory.

How to apply?

  • Send a motivation statement, explaining your reasons for wanting a mentor, to Indicate the track you would like to participate in (academic/civic). Please also include your faculty and the year in which you obtained (or plan to obtain) your PhD.
  • Application deadline: November 30, 2024.

Selection procedure?

  • There are 10 places available in each track.
  • Selection of mentees and matching of mentees and mentors is done by a steering committee.
  • A first selection will be done based on the written motivation. If needed, there will be selection interviews on December 5, 2024 (between 13:00 and 16:00). Please mark this date in your calendar already.
  • You will be notified of the decision of the steering committee by December 9, 2024, the latest.


  • Application deadline: November 30, 2024
  • Selection interviews (if needed): December 5, 2024
  • Notification of decision: December 9, 2024
  • Workshop mentees (obligatory): January 21, 2025 (13:00-18:00)
  • Proposal mentor: mid-February 2025
  • Information session mentors: February 2025
  • First meeting / start trajectory: March 2025
  • Networking opportunity with other mentees and mentors: September/October 2025
  • Evaluation: February 2026

What others say:

"It helped me to be a better listener, to be more empathetic to other's problems and most importantly to look at things from a different perspective. Additionally, it helped me in developing mentoring and/or leadership skills to guide people and let them find a way. They can and they will solve the problems, they just need a helping hand or direction."
(mentor in 2022)
"A very refreshing, often eye-opening, undertaking. It gives perspective to what you do and aim to do."
(mentee in 2021)
"A fantastic experience, the program gave me the opportunity to have valuable discussions with a young academic/professional at the beginning of a his career; the mentoring was helpful for me and allowed me to relate to the world of an ambitious young professional entering the workforce."
(mentor in 2021)
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