Consultancy & valorisation

The Data Science Institute can build upon the extensive experience in consultancy of the CenStat research group. DSI is available for short- and long-term advice and support to academic groups, industry and governmental organisations.

consultancy consultancy

Our consultancy and valorisation services

The Data Science Institute can build upon the extensive experience in consultancy of the CenStat research group. DSI is available for short- and long-term advice and support to academic groups, industry and governmental organizations. Topics can include (but are not restricted to):

  • data management
  • data wrangling
  • data processing
  • statistics in preclinical and clinical development
  • public health
  • human/veterinary epidemiology
  • food safety
  • independent data monitoring
  • statistical bioinformatics and statistical genetics
  • environmental studies
  • data science training and education
  • ...

Different types of collaboration are possible, depending on the needs and time-dependency of the partner. These include:

  • Supervision of your work: The company/organisation itself has the potential and resources to perform the work in house (e.g. data analysis, statistical analysis, setting up of pipelines or data infrastructures) and DSI can evaluate and validate this work or provide advice in order to move the work into the right direction. For more information, please contact Liesbeth Bruckers.
  • Perform the work: DSI can perform the work (e.g. data analysis, statistical analysis, setting up of pipelines) from start to finish including the interpretation and creation of a report containing the results in case the company/organization does not have the means or recourses to do so. For more information, please contact Liesbeth Bruckers.
  • Research: Some projects lead to interesting new ideas and it might be worthwhile to investigate whether this new methodology can be applied in other circumstances or just need some modification. In this case a research project could be set up between the company/organization and DSI. For more information, please contact Liesbeth Bruckers or Sarah Vercruysse.
  • PhD project: When in general several projects of above mentioned nature generate sufficient research ideas it might be an opportunity to establish a research grant in collaboration with the company/organization and DSI. In this case, joint supervision of a PhD student may be beneficial to both partners. These PhD projects may either be fully sponsored by non-UHasselt partners, or partially (e.g. within the VLAIO Baekeland PhD and UHasselt civic PhD context). For more information, please contact Sarah Vercruysse.
  • Master thesis: Students in the Master of Statistics (which from academic year 2020-2021 includes a Data Science track) are required to perform research towards a Master's thesis. In many cases, such research is in collaboration with a company. Such collaboration is often a unique opportunity to learn about what UHasselt can offer you. For more information, please contact Olivier Thas (head of the MSc) or Sarah Vercruysse.

Does your problem not fit into one of the areas mentioned or do you have a specific question? Our consulting coordinator/business developers will be happy to help you.


Dr. Liesbeth Bruckers


Agoralaan Gebouw D - B -3590 Diepenbeek

Office E111

Consulting Coordinator

Dr. Sarah Vercruysse

dr. Sarah Vercruysse

Agoralaan Gebouw D - B -3590 Diepenbeek

Office E109


Research Manager

Dr. Simon Appeltans

Foto 11

Agoralaan Gebouw D - B -3590 Diepenbeek

Office E104


Business Developer

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