
IMOB conducts research within the domains of transportation and road safety, focusing on travel behaviour. We do this by studying the interaction between behaviour, infrastructure and technology. This interaction is complex, but the insights it provides allow us to predict mobility flows and make traffic safer. Within this focus, there are interfaces with other disciplines such as health, climate and tourism. We use numerous tools for this, including data models developed in-house, driving simulators and drones.

Algemeen Beeld Imo 10 8 2021 Algemeen Beeld Imo 10 8 2021

We are looking for participants for scientific studies

Apply to participate in scientific studies on transportation & road safety!

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Do you have a question or would you like to collaborate with IMOB?

Then don't hesitate to contact us. We are available every weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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