
The research activities of the FME group are focused on printing and coating technology (mainly screen printing, inkjet printing and ultrasonic spray coating) for their application in Organic and Perovskite Electronics, Printed Sensors for health monitoring, Structural Electronics, and (liquid metal-based) Stretchable Electronics.

General FME Research General FME Research

Research lines

Our group is mainly focusing on sustainable deposition of innovative materials and the layer formation linked to this deposition. As an engineering tool, printing and coating can be applied to achieve large area devices (as compared to for example spin coating) or for energy-efficient deposition in contrast to vacuum deposition. Moreover, the integration in the Institute for Materials Research (imo-imomec) provides access to state-of-the-art device fabrication and (optoelectronic) characterization tools. All projects are conducted in close collaboration with colleagues from chemistry for innovative materials, over physics for device characterization towards engineering for health and energy applications and upscaling.

Health Sensor

Health sensors

The main aim within this research line is the development of printed sensors for wound monitoring. When a wound is healing, its parameters such as temperature, pH and moisture level and composition are constantly changing. Measuring these with printed sensors integrated in wound bandages can lead to a better understanding of the wound healing process and therefore also to a faster healing. Moreover, from a sustainability perspective, printed devices can be applied for one-time, recyclable sensing combined with re-usable (not necessarily printed) read-out electronics. Spill overs of this research are the monitoring of other body parameters in a hybrid approach (combining sensors in textiles and sensors on e-tattoo’s (i.e. skin adhesives)) or monitoring of the status of fruit growth and fruit trees.

Stretchable Devices

Stretchable electronics

In this research line, the use of liquid metal as a conductive material that is liquid at room temperature, is applied. Galinstan, an alloy of Gallium, Indium and Tin is such a liquid metal that can be deposited on a stretchable substrate (such as silicones or polymeric substrates) via stencil-based spray coating or dispensing. This way liquid metal circuits and interconnects can be build within an elastomeric encapsulation. Applying other electronic components (such as LEDs, batteries or even small ICs) in the soft and stretchable device leads to a step from rigid, surpassing flexible electronics, towards stretchable PCBs. Optimizing the deposition process, studying the degradation upon multiple stretching and more and more complex electronic devices are among the targets.

SE MOLD Project2

Structural electronics

The combination of screen printing on one-time deformable substrates is combined in this research line with thermal forming to achieve 3D circuits. For this, flexibility of the printed circuits is a necessity. Applying conductive adhesives to add SMD components (LEDs, …) on the circuits leads to hybrid electronics (combination of printing and SMD components) in, what is called structural electronic devices, i.e. hybrid electronics in a 3D shape. Investigation towards flexible materials for printing, their interaction with the SMD components and the stability during forming are investigated and further steps involve the integration of the printed circuits on foil into a molding process.

Printed Light Emitting Devices1

Light emission

Light emission can be achieved by applying layers with different functionalities on top of each other. Anorganic Light Emitting Devices (also called AC-powered Electroluminescent devices) are constructed in a capacitor structure to emit light when approx. 80 V (in AC) is applied. Printed Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are achieved when applying organic or perovskite materials for the emissive layer and a DC-voltage of only 4-7 V is applied. Optimizing the luminescent properties of these devices by optimizing the materials used (for example introducing polymer-nanoparticle blends), studying deposition technologies to achieve ultrathin large area coatings (spray-on-screen) and studying the droplet behaviour of the ultrasonically sprayed formulation when flying from nozzle to substrate is studied. A recent focus on Near Infrared emission (using carbon nanotubes) links this research with applications in healthcare for example for photobiomodulation and thus wound healing.


The influence of droplet-based seeding of nanodiamond particles on the morphological, optical, and mechanical properties of diamond coatings on glass

Determination of layer morphology of rough layers in organic light emitting diodes by X‐ray reflectivity

Plasmon enhanced fluorescence from meticulously positioned gold nanoparticles, deposited by ultra sonic spray coating on organic light emitting diodes

Design of a Lab-On-Chip Cartridge for the Optical Detection of Small Molecules based on Dye-Displacement MIPs

Interconnect, an electronic assembly and a method for manufacturing an electronic assembly

Ultrasonic atomization based fabrication of superhydrophobic and corrosion-resistant hydrolyzed MTMS/PVDF coatings

Ultrasonic spray coating of polyethylenimine (ethoxylated) as electron injection and transport layer for organic light emitting diodes: The influence of layer morphology and thickness on the interface physics between polyethylenimine (ethoxylated) and the Al cathode

Ultrasonic Spray Coating of Silver Nanowire‐Based Electrodes for Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes

Stretchable printed device for the simultaneous sensing of temperature and strain validated in a mouse wound healing model

Biocompatibility Testing of Liquid Metal as an Interconnection Material for Flexible Implant Technology

Fiber Engineering Trifecta of Spinnability, Morphology, and Properties: Centrifugally Spun versus Electrospun Fibers

Inkjet-Printed Lenses with Adjustable Contact Angle to Improve the Light Out-Coupling of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

Printing of flexible light emitting devices: A review on different technologies and devices, printing technologies and state-of-the-art applications and future prospects

Printed pH Sensors for Textile-Based Wearables: A Conceptual and Experimental Study on Materials, Deposition Technology, and Sensing Principles

Screen Printed Antennas on Fiber-Based Substrates for Sustainable HF RFID Assisted E-Fulfilment Smart Packaging

Fully printed, stretchable and wearable bioimpedance sensor on textiles for tomography

Monitoring Body Fluids in Textiles: Combining Impedance and Thermal Principles in a Printed, Wearable, and Washable Sensor

Printed Electronics (PE) As An enabling Technology To Realize Flexible Mass Customized Smart Applications

Oxygen Gas and UV Barrier Properties of Nano-ZnO-Coated PET and PHBHHx Materials Fabricated by Ultrasonic Spray-Coating Technique

Centrifugally spun poly(ethylene oxide) fibers rival the properties of electrospun fibers

Photo-induced copper-mediated (meth)acrylate polymerization towards graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide modification

Layer morphology and ink compatibility of silver nanoparticle inkjet inks for near-infrared sintering

Influence of Polymer Concentration and Nozzle Material on Centrifugal Fiber Spinning

Velocity and size measurement of droplets from an ultrasonic spray coater using photon correlation spectroscopy and turbidimetry

A Model-Based Sensor Fusion Approach for Force and Shape Estimation in Soft Robotics

Miniaturized and Thermal-Based Measurement System to Measure Moisture in Textile Materials

Inkjet Printing of PEDOT:PSS Based Conductive Patterns for 3D Forming Applications

New Type of Thermal Moisture Sensor for in-Textile Measurements

Charge-Discharge Characteristics of Textile Energy Storage Devices Having Different PEDOT:PSS Ratios and Conductive Yarns Configuration

Effectiveness of Ligand Denticity-Dependent Oxidation Protection in Copper MOD Inks

Optimizing the outcoupling efficiency and the radiation pattern of organic light emitting devices by inkjet printing lens arrays films

Printing Smart Designs of Light Emitting Devices with Maintained Textile Properties

Silicone Devices: A Scalable DIY Approach for Fabricating Self-Contained Multi-Layered Soft Circuits using Microfluidics

Fabrication Approaches to Interconnect Based Devices for Stretchable Electronics: A Review

Ultrasonic Spray Coating as a Fast Alternative Technique for the Deposition of Hybrid Magnetic-Plasmonic Nanocomposites

Links Between Heathland Fungal Biomass Mineralization, Melanization, and Hydrophobicity

Screen-printing of flexible semi-transparent electrodes and devices based on silver nanowire networks

Organic and perovskite solar cells for space applications

Methodology of the first combined in-flight and ex situ stability assessment of organic-based solar cells for space applications

Direct Printing of Light-Emitting Devices on Textile Substrates

Steering the Properties of MoOx Hole Transporting Layers in OPVs and OLEDs: Interface Morphology vs. Electronic Structure

Ultrasonically spray coated silver layers from designed precursor inks for flexible electronics

Surface Roughness Reduction of Additive Manufactured Products by Applying a Functional Coating Using Ultrasonic Spray Coating

Layer formation and morphology of ultrasonic spray coated polystyrene nanoparticle layers

A study on the thermal sintering process of silver nanoparticle inkjet inks to achieve smooth and highly conducting silver layers

Ultrasonic spray coating as deposition technique for the light-emitting layer in polymer LEDs

Towards fully spray coated organic light emitting devices

Molecular imprinted polymer films on RFID tags: a first step towards disposable packaging sensors



FME lab houses state-of-the-art printing techniques and characterisation tools to fabricate and study printed electronic devices.

For a complete overview of our equipment, please visit the imo-imomec website.


Wim Deferme

Wim Deferme Lab

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium


Full professor

Materials physics & engineering

Gebouw IMO Foto1

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium