Project R-6045


Characterization of zinc tolerance genes in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus luteus in the context of the optimization of plant-stabilization of metal-polluted soils. (Research)


This project aims at fytostabilisation of metal-contaminated soils using the ectomycorrhizal fungus (ECM) Suillu Luteus. ECM, such as S. luteus, are fungi symbiotically living together with woody plants, at the level of the absorption roots: the fungi ensure the plant's uptake of the necessary nutrients, and in exchange the fungus receives sugars. Furthermore, it has also been proven that ECM sometimes protect their hostplant from pathogens and other stress factors. 8 Mycorrhized plants therefore possess and advantage over plants without a fungal partner. Logically, ECM can be useful for fytostabillisation purposes. Though, S. luteus offers another advantage: It not only helps its hostplant Pinus sylvestris (Scotch fir) in finding an adequate amount of nutrients, in polluted areas Zn- and Cd-tolerant ectotypes of S. luteus have been found protecting their hostplant against toxic concentrations of Zn and Cd. 7,9 This project focusses on some genetic variants of this metal tolerance aiming for the fytostabilisation of polluted soils using an 'optimized' metal tolerant isolate.

Period of project

01 January 2015 - 13 April 2019
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