Project R-6547


Biosorb: Removal of residual concentration of heavy metals from waste water with activated biocoal from organic problem streams. (Research)


In this project; we will investigate if organic problem streams can be converted to activated bio-char through pyrolysis in combination with an activational process, with the aim to find a cheaper and eco-friendlier alternative for the removal of residual concentrations of metal ions from waste water. Companies are confronted with increasingly stricter emission standards and are keen for more efficient or cheaper alternatives to purify their waste water. Only a few companies invest in pyrolysis installations because the market value of the finished goods (mainly oil and gas) is too small. However, there lies an opportunity in marketing the finished good 'char' - which is currently unsufficently used on an industrial scale - as active biocoal as well which would be 40% cheaper than the commercial active coal. This would make the pyrolysis of organic problem streams much more interesting economically. However, its feasability hasn't been thoroughly investigated yet on industrial relevant cases which makes it still too precarious for firms to investigate in. The companies that directly profit from this project are companies specialised in waterpurifying techniques or distributors of these products, companies with problematic metallic water or organic waste streams, waste processing plants, companies with (an interest in) pyrolysis reactors and engineering bureaus specialised in pyrolysis installations. Overall this would concern 1500 companies within these fields.

Period of project

01 October 2015 - 30 September 2017
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