Project R-6956


Live Knowledge Platform + : towards an innovative Erasmus+ project (Education)


The project Live Knowledge Platform+ (LKP+) exists in organising a knowledge platform - consisting of five international knowledge labs and a Live Project (summerschool) in Flanders - which eventually will contribute to an Erasmus+ application with four renowned partner universities. This application aims the innovation of the Live Projects pedagogy in architectural education, inspired by the research tradition of Living Labs, with the aim of establishing a closer interaction between the educational system and the labour market. A Live Project is an educational tool that involves students of architecture and design more thoroughly with society, atmost by a short workshop in a (semi-)public space (eg. a village, a hospital, etc.). Living Labs aims to achieve the same close co-operation, but due to their longer duration and tried research methods they lead more intense interaction and innovation.

Period of project

01 February 2016 - 31 January 2017
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