Project R-6954


Master Class Design for Human Flourishing: working on inspiring schools and classrooms (Education)


In her ambition note the faculty Architecture and Art indicates that she wants to aim to train students and researchers with a clear sense of social responsibility. The present project also supports this mission. Specifically, the goal is to let master students in interior design (UHasselt) and master students in industrial design (TUDelft) co-operate concerning 'Design for Human Flourishing' or 'Design for Happiness', focused on schools and classrooms (i.c. elementary school). Taking initiatives to work on the 'happiness' of people is a relevant matter these days, because (a) there is a social demand and supply for the focus on the "wellfare", "well-being" and happiness of people (b) paying attention to the happiness of people can have repercussions on other levels as well - happy people are e.g. more productive, healthier, more social and better capable of thinking in a constructive and creative way (c) happiness has become a topic on the political agenda. In 2011 and 2013, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pointed out the importance of "happiness" of people and claimed that 'the creation of an enabling environment for improving people's wellbeing is a development foal in itself' (2013, p.3). With this project, the role and contribution that design sciences can have in facilitating the possibilities and realisation of environments where people could be happ(y)(ier) is being emphasized. Here an important role is reserved for future product designers, architects and interior designers. In their future design practice, they will be challenged - the longer the more - to find creative answers to a number of social challenges which our society is confronted with.

Period of project

01 February 2016 - 01 August 2017
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