Project R-8636


3D-ElectroPrinT: Printing flat and free-form Electronic / electrical applications (Research)


A designer of mechatronic applications makes use of standard components and pre-assembled modules in order to obtain a working part. Characteristics of (passive) components, sensors and antennas are looked up in datasheets and during the design restrictions are imposed from the dimensions and properties. Additive Manufacturing (AM) has the potential to break this method / way of thinking. Recently, a number of print technologies have become available making it possible to apply interconnections, passive components, sensors and antennas directly to flat and curved surfaces. The recent commercialization of these technologies (eg: Optomec, FluidANT, Sonoplot, Nano Dimension, Rabbit Proto, Neotech Services, ...) proves that this technology is shifting from the lab (R & D) to industry. Despite the fact that 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing) is well established in both consumer, industry and medical sector, the use of printing for mechatronics is still unknown to a large group of potential users. Companies that are familiar, often see potential but still consider the risk for investment too large, or there are questions about reliability and sustainability. Therefore, the applicants of this project want to disseminate knowledge concerning 3D printing of electronics in the Flemish industry (and other interested sectors such as the medical and sports industry, intelligent packaging and aerospace), demonstrate the potential for a large group and validate these technologies. at industrial level. As a result, companies will be less eager to apply this innovative 'set of tools', and thanks to the knowledge dissemination risks for investments can be reduced for interested companies.

Period of project

01 December 2017 - 31 December 2019