Project R-8163


Towards a code on general administrative law (Research)


Facing civil law problems, you consult the Civil Code. For penal law problems, there is the Penal Code. The same for the Economic law Code and the corporate Code. In administrative law however, there is no general legislation, in spite of different attempts. This project investigates the impact of the several state reforms and the transfers of powers on general administrative law. In the end, the research will result in a hard core of Belgian administrative law principles, that will be capable for implementation in a general code. At this moment, administrative law regulation is fragmented over the federal state, the communities and the regions. Therefore, determination of the competent level for such a general code is needed. In order to enhance coherence of the Belgian legal order in administrative law matters, the project will not exclude transfers of powers from the sub-state level to the federal level a priori. Interviews will add the needed practical insights to the theoretical law research, based on legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence. In the end, the proposed research wants to put the necessary academic background information at the disposal of the different legislators, with as ultimate result: a coherent and efficient system of Belgian administrative law.

Period of project

01 October 2017 - 30 September 2021