Project R-8250


Sketch Atlas: using video recordings for teaching sketch (hand) skills as a didactic feedback tool with tutorials + preparation development protocol for application in the Hasselt University learning environment (Education)


This project aims for the systematic digital registration through video recording of the zoom-in on manual sketching skills, -gestures and -processes within the sketching course (architectural drawing) of the (interior) architecture program, with finally the immediate and delayed pedagogical disclosure (teacher tutorials through videos + blended learning), targeted operational use as a didactic feedback tool and sustainable preservation of its curriculum (archive). The disclosure of these learning processes and educational content through video tutorials (only hands visible) when it comes to sketching, happens via a website and/or digital archive within the Faculty of Architecture and Arts (phase 01). The term 'Atlas' deliberately refers to the structural compilation (general to specific) of information and its targeted disclosure (search function). This first phase (timing 2 years and subject of this application) is a starting point to developing a generic working model through video recordings of specific manual and field-specific skills for educational transfers for other faculty's programs (referred to as phase 02 in this application) and this through a multidisciplinary collaboration (Architecture, Biology, Chemistry, VAA network …) when it comes to transferring field-specific (manual) skills. This accumulation of knowledge, from an educational point of view (learning process + feedback) will moreover be a starting point for further research (establishment of a sketch lab, analogous to a language lab). Through a number of carefully selected partners (also sounding board group in phase 01) from different faculties (other experts can be included here) and the additional constant input and expertise from EDM and AZILPIX (research institute + Hasselt University spin-off), this can structurally and continuously be developed via a protocol (phase 02 with starting point in phase 01).

Period of project

01 September 2017 - 31 October 2019
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