Project R-9080


InnoMaso: Optimal design of innovative masonry applications (Research)


The objective of the InnoMaso TETRA project, funded by VLAIO, was the development and transfer of design tools to better understand the structural behaviour of modern masonry applications. Based on brainstorm sessions with the user group (which consisted of masonry producers, design offices, software developers, BBRI, and BCCA), eight work domains were identified, such as the impact of insulating layers on the structural behaviour, masonry modelling, movement joints, and bed joint reinforcement. The research results, which were obtained through literature review, numerical analyses, and small and large scale experiments, were translated to a study day (in collaboration with Confederatie Bouw Limburg), webinars, guides, and software applications (which can be accessed via the project website These design tools have lead to a knowledge boost in the masonry industry, resulting in a better understanding of the structural behaviour of masonry. This leads to material optimalisation on the one hand, on the other hand structural damage (cracks, …) can be avoided thanks to a better understanding of the stability behaviour of masonry. The project was also linked with the educational programme through eight bachelor's and seven master's theses (in collaboration with the research group CERG and members of the user group). In addition, the project results were used in courses related to the design and modelling of masonry

Period of project

01 October 2018 - 31 December 2020