Project R-10212


Ultrahard optical diamond coatings (Research)


The central goal of the ULTRAHARD project is to detect low-absorbent (absorption below 1%), scratch-resistant (scratch test>60 N), ultra-hard (hardness>6 GPa) layers with low scattering, deposited on glass substrates selected for specific applications, or in AR stacks. We will study the feasibility and reliability of this process and prepare these technologies for upscaling. Based on our high-tech approach, a very important part of the project is to coordinate the coating process and the coating stacks specifically for user group applications in order to improve the production and product portfolio of the companies and to enter new markets. The user group includes companies from the entire value chain for these photonic components. Companies active in substrate preparation and materials (EpiGaN, AGC, Almax ...) will supply substrates in the user group to apply the developed coating technology. This will of course be compared with existing technology from the industry (Balzers, Platos, Europlasma, Soleras, AGC ...) and applied for specific cases from the industrial user group such as for solar cell and related applications (Azteq, Soltech) and fiber optics. in extreme Ultrahard optical diamond coating conditions (Key Technology, Commscope, FBGS International). The technology also finds its applications in camera applications, sensors, displays and lenses (Barco, OIP Sensors), where optical components with high performance are used in challenging conditions. Since the photonics industry is larger than the above-mentioned companies, dissemination (including via Sirris) will attempt to introduce a very broad group of companies to the technology. The technology providers can also be involved through the BELVAC organization.

Period of project

01 January 2020 - 31 March 2022
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