Project R-10519


Creating Virtual Reality e-resources for European Sustainable Education in circular bioeconomy with bio-based products (Education)


The updated bio economy Strategy and Action Plan from October 2018 is part of the EU Commission's drive to efficiently use the natural resources, to boost jobs, growth and investment. It aims to improve and scale up the sustainable use of renewable resources to address global and local challenges such as climate change and sustainable development. So it introduces the new direction of integrated development of bio economy-the circular bio economy with bio based products. The circular bio economy is defined as the intersection of circular economy (restorative, regenerative economic model, where nothing is lost and everything feeds a new cycle, and waste is treated as a resource) and the bio economy (obtaining of bio based products and services). The circular bio economy includes: bio-based products; share, reuse, remanufacture, recycling; cascading use; utilization of organic waste streams; resource-efficient value chains; organic recycling, nutrient cycling. But the circular bio economy is still in an early stage, it is a huge new industry to build in EU in the next decades. As a major consequence the role of education to form the future specialists is great and curricula and study programs, especially in the universities are still to be developed. At the same time to educate students and postgraduate students in this high level complex and advanced technological field imposes up to date education methodology based on online learning and more, Virtual Reality (VR) or Mixed Reality (MR). The two main project objectives will be: (a) to develop curriculum and study program in circular bio economy with bio-based products and (b) to apply both online learning (OL) and Mixed Reality (MR) to introduce students into scenarios illustrating by images very close to phenomena reality, an improved method to understand most complex knowledge. For the proposed transnational project, the coordinator, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara, USAMV Bucharest, RO, delivering university studies at all level in biotechnology (BT) and bio economy, with specialists in OL and interested to introduce the new learning domain of circular bio-economy for postgraduate students together with formation methods based on VR/MR, put into operation a consortium, comprising: Politehnica University of Bucharest, UPB, RO, specialists on both basic domains BT and OL; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), (ES) with high expertise in university studies and research in biotechnology and environmental engineering; University of Hasselt (UH, BE), preparing specialists in environmental sciences and technicaleconomical assessment of circular bio economy applications. The project duration is 2 years. The project target group is: postgraduate students with background in Biotechnology (BT) and Environmental Engineering (EE), and good formation in IT learning skills. The project target economic sector is: Universities involved in BT and EE, research institutes involved in the same domains, start-up / companies interested to do business in CB. 4 Intellectual Outputs will be elaborated: (a) Innovative Curriculum for facilitating MR-based education of postgraduate students in CB; (b) Content entitled "Sustainable and circular Bioeconomy, the European way: Leading edge studies in European Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy with bio-based products (CB)"; (c) Developing Mixed Reality Educational Applications: A Dedicated methodology for postgraduate education in CB through MR; (d) Boosting the sustainable CB in Europe: identifying impact-oriented strategies. Othe project activities willl comprise; 3 transnational meeetings o be held in each involved country. 6 Multiplier events (ME) organised during the 2 years of project duration, in each participating country- (RO, ES, BE). 4 Learning, teaching activities (LTT) organised by each consortium member, type Blended mobility with higher education students, the objective-Piloting the Intellectual Outputs and the associated education methodology. The project is innovative in methodology and results. The most important innovative characteristic is the applying of an advanced learning technique, based on VR/MR scenarios to transfer multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge in CB. So the project is complementary to classical education projects in Biosciences, but introducing a highly innovative learning methodology and integrating the acquired EU expertise to deliver IO's in CB. Other project' results: (a) The integration of CB issues with VR/MR methodology. (b) The improving of the European dimension of the IO's due to the contributions of the 4 partners from 3 EU countries. (c) Due to the network of stakeholders and target group people the European dimension will increase and will contribute to enhance the quality of university education. (d) Increased offer of learning products and methods will determine the overall improvement in the quality of education system in Europe

Period of project

01 September 2019 - 31 August 2021
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