Project R-10412


CILO: learning to do a circular business (Research)


The aim of the project is to stimulate circular entrepreneurship in Flanders Belgium like the integration of circular entrepreneurship in the student companies organised by Vlajo. Unlike what the environmental Kuznet curve tries to support, growth will not solve the environmental problems and circular business models will be necessary (Raworth, De Donuteconomie). In this project UHasselt, Vlajo, circular companies and higher education will work together to create a framework to support teachers with the conceptual and substantive integration of circular entrepreneurship. The specific goals of the project are (1) doing research on which barriers preclude teachers for integrating circular entrepreneurship, (2) inventory existing educational material, (3) train teachers to become 'CircularInfluencers', (4) create evaluation tools and (5) create a 'Circular community'. The project will be implemented and tested in Limburg but is scalable to Flanders afterwards.

Period of project

16 December 2019 - 15 September 2021
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