Project R-10275


A Circular Coaching Program Bridging the Sustainability Needs of Entrepreneurs both South & North (Education)


A 3-week training program for starting entrepeneurs from the South, together with partners OVO (ondernemers voor ondernemers) and VITO. The partners in this ITP want to create an engine for reciprocal exchange of knowledge, to embed in educational progams, to promote sustainable entrepreneurship, to strengthen the economic fabric and increasing the sustainable character thereof. To reach that goals, the programme offers a training and coaching program to starting entrepreneurs from the South in an international environment where interaction with Belgian entrepreneurs and coaches with diverse backgrounds will ensure the exchange of knowledge and experience in different directions. During the training, 18 selected participants having a business plan or idea with potential social or environmental impact, will follow lectures at Hasselt University and will be coached to apply knew knowledge immediately to their own business plans uplifting them to a next level. The training focussess on circular economy and sustainability, market research and marketing, busines model design, financial planning and project planning. A Second track of the training consists of matching visits to Belgian companies and start-ups where African and Belgian entrepreneurs will focus jointly on global challenges

Period of project

02 March 2020 - 20 March 2020