Project R-10539


Driver 4.0 (Research)


This project aims to achieve more inflow and higher retention in the transport sector through the integration of HRM (with a strong focus on SMEs) at the driver's level by: - the development of a methodology and toolkit (set of measures) to increase the attractiveness of the profession on the basis of better matching between driver expectations and competence profiles - the identification and application of technology that contributes to this - creating an innovative vision about the profession: value creation instead of merely a cost Applying the above approach will not only lead to a higher intake and retention of drivers in the transport sector. Tackling the driver shortage will also have a positive impact on the image of the transport sector. The integration of HRM in the transport sector will also contribute to ensuring a quality and professional service. The customers of the transport companies will notice and appreciate this professionalism, as a result of which they will most likely in the future call on the transport company to transport their goods to the desired destination in a safe and professional manner. This project therefore also contributes to improving the competitiveness of companies in the transport sector.

Period of project

01 March 2020 - 30 September 2022