Project R-11646


Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance (KA2): Active8-Planet (Education)


Recent global movements indicate a rapidly growing awareness and eagerness of the European youth to actively engage with securing a sustainable future for all. Even though the need for a holistic, interdisciplinary and cross-sector approach to sustainability has been increasingly recognised on research and policy levels, the trickle-down to higher education has been slow. Active8-Planet builds a knowledge alliance jointly developing, implementing and assessing the impact of a new Active8-Planet learning model based on 4 principles of planet-centred development: (1) Interdisciplinary & Intergenerational Co-creation, (2) People-centred Design, (3) University-Business Collaboration, (4) Environmental Ambition and Action. In "7+1 Team Projects", students, teachers/researchers, and company professionals will be applying and refining the collaborative approach to co-create practice-based interventions in the areas of sustainable mobility, circularity in built environment, and health & wellbeing. Bridging between sectors, disciplines and generations, the project will provide a platform for transforming the isolated and discipline-specific knowledge into collaborative climate and sustainability actions. As a result of learning activities, the project will raise the first cohorts of dedicated, risk-taking young individuals (the "Planeteers") becoming ambassadors of the Active8-Planet principles and active co-creators of their sustainable future. By adopting a robust and elaborate dissemination and exploitation strategy, the impact of the project's activities, results and partnership will be sustained beyond its lifetime, in particular by: institutionalising the learning model in existing courses using ECTS system; developing an agenda to cultivate new 7+1 Team Projects; and transferring the collaborative approach into research, development, and innovation projects.

Period of project

01 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
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