Project R-10827


Epidemic intelligence to minimize 2019-nCOV's public health, economic and social impact in Europe "EpiPose" (Research)


EpiPose aims to provide urgently needed answers about the epidemiological characteristics of 2019-nCoV, the social dynamics of the outbreak, and the related public health preparedness and response to the ongoing epidemic, as well as to assess its economic impact. The consortium consists of 6 partners in 5 countries (BE, NL, UK, CH, IT) who provide complementary expertise in mathematical and statistical modelling of infectious diseases, participatory surveillance systems, living systematic reviews, and health economic analysis and have a strong international public health network. EpiPose aims at a quick delivery of results, according to the following objectives: (1) To collect and share epidemiological data of 2019-nCoV as widely as possible (2) To provide country-specific estimates of key epidemiological parameters (3) To model the expect impact of 2019-nCoV on morbidity and mortality (4) To monitor awareness and behavioural change during the 2019-nCoV epidemic (5) To provide health economic analyses for interventions within the EU (6) To foster the interaction between the scientific community, public health agencies and the public EpiPose aims to make all research data, code, tools and results publicly available and its dissemination plan targets active communication and interaction with policy makers, other scientific groups and the general public. As such, the epidemic intelligence provided by EpiPose will help minimize the 2019-nCoV's public health, economic and social impact.

Period of project

13 March 2020 - 12 April 2023
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