IOF mandaat Rehabilitation Sciences (RWS) 2021-2023 (Research)
The faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences aims to realize a strong growth within the domain of research and innovation. This IOF mandate project is key to achieve this goal. Industrial collaborations are still unknown by the majority of the faculty's researchers and are therefore scarce. The valorisation potential is not yet fully utilized. The role of the IOF mandatary primarily consists of creating awareness of the importance and possibilities of industrial collaborations and valorisation. Yet unknown funding channels will be explored and provided. The mandatary will pay attention to the necessary expansion of the faculty's network, which is the first step to the realisation of collaboration and services. In addition, the mandatory will support the expansion and exploitation of unique research infrastructure. These core tasks are expected to lead to a growth of external funding for the faculty.
Period of project
01 January 2021 - 31 December 2023