Treatment of wastewater from the Cuban petrochemical industry based on activated carbon adsoption technology: improved acoustic emission method for textural analysis and adsorption performance of used carbons. (Research)
PW is part of a large volume of waste produced by the oil industry. It contains dissolved organic components and heavy metals, and both difficult the break down into the environment. In many cases PW is poured into the sea and water resources without any previous treatment. Therefore, a proper management and reuse strategy of the PW are crucial for a sustainable eco-friendly process. In this research, a treatment plant will be proposed for this residual base in sedimentation as first step. The use of AC for the treatment of the liquid phase obtained by sedimentation of the PW constitutes a proposal with significant environmental benefit, achieving a reduction of the pollutant load of the wastewater due to the adsorption of compounds present in it. Technological limitations of Cuban industries make the porous characterization of these materials almost impossible in the country. Therefore, the study and neither optimization of industrial processes dealing with adsorption are not possible. This research will investigate AC as a potential remediation tool for this wastewater based on a technique of characterization using acoustic emission analysis to optimize the use of this adsorbent material.
Period of project
01 March 2021 - 24 December 2023