Protective versus damaging aspects of the immune reaction in relation to clinical outcome in the Limburg COVID-19 cohort (Research)
DRAFTVERSION: With 57 confirmed COVID-19 cases per 10,000 inhabitants, the province of Limburg is the most infected region in Belgium by far. In response, the six hospitals of Limburg and Hasselt University started the Limburg COVID-19 cohort, a collection of patient samples and clinical data organized through the University Biobank Limburg (UBiLim), in order to understand the different aspects of the immune response in COVID-19 patients. During COVID-19, the immune response is highly variable between infected individuals. Patients who develop an effective protective immune response in the early disease stage will mostly show good recovery with mild or even no symptoms. However, when this protective immune response is impaired, the virus can propagate and develop severe disease characterized by a hyperinflammatory state. This study aims to investigate the protective immunity in COVID-19 patients with different disease severities, and the impact of COVID-19 on the immune system when this protective immunity fails. Therefore, the antiviral cellular and humoral immune response is evaluated in COVID-19 cases with different disease severities. The cytokine and immune cell profile is determined in severe COVID-19 cases with a hyperinflammatory response. This study will increase insight into the different aspects of the immune response in COVID-19, which could result in specific therapy decisions adapted to the immunological characteristics of each individual patient.
Period of project
15 June 2020 - 14 June 2022