Project R-11858


CircuLab Limburg (Research)


CirCa (Circular Campus) Limburg is a new multidisciplinary collaboration on the science park of Diepenbeek aiming to promote circular building. The collaboration will be based in a circular building, CircuLab. With the support of 'Vlaanderen Circulair', the design and construction of CircuLab will be supplemented with research on the tender procedure for circular building. Various tender procedures will be explored and validated, resulting in a cookbook which makes it easier for clients to build in a circular way. To support the development of an optimized tender procedure, the CircuLab building is designed in a thoroughly circular manner and the business case of the building is studied, whereby existing tools are evaluated and adjusted if necessary. All relevant construction partners (contractors, architects, ...) are involved in order to arrive at an optimal cooperation model that avoids conflicts.

Period of project

01 December 2020 - 01 October 2022
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