Project R-11933


Measuring the Quality of Cross-border Cooperation in the EMR Development and application of a methodology to assess effects of the INTERREG programme on cross-border cooperation and governance (Research)


The proposed project aims at the development of a pilot methodology. The assumption is that the deficiencies with respect to qualitative assessments can be also found in the framework of the INTERREG programme EMR. The quality of cross-border cooperation is currently not structuraly assessed. The current programme indicators are in the first place of quantitative nature and do not describe qualitative elements of cross-border cooperation of public entities, companies or citizens. Also outside the framework of INTERREG, there is no structural assessment of the development of cooperation and the cross-border governance system. This is a general shortcoming of many INTERREG programmes and cross-border territories. The project will contribute to the better assessment of the situation in the territory of the INTERREG Programme Meuse-Rhine, and in addition, will also provide a contribution as a pilot for the quality of cross-border cooperation in general. The project will aim at developing and application of a methodology for a baseline measurement in the territory of the INTERREG programme Meuse-Rhine at the end of the current programming period. The intention is also to create the opportunity to apply the methodology in a structured way during the periode after 2021.

Period of project

01 March 2021 - 31 March 2023