Project R-11433


DESCARTES - infectious DisEaSe eConomics and Ai with guaRanTEeS (Research)


In this proposal we focus on challenges regarding infectious diseases such as measles elimination and optimal influenza vaccination and draw motivation from fundamental questions with respect to healthcare prioritisation. Advancements in the fields of epidemic modelling, health economics and multi-agent learning paired with formally-verified guarantees can improve the effectiveness and reliability of the complex decision-making mechanisms needed to answer such questions. This complexity is situated in different aspects: the computational complexity, model structure and the interactions between multiple agents, in combination with multi-criteria objectives. Our consortium establishes a unique combination of leading expertise, which as a team not only will advance each of these fields, but also develops a new, internationally unique, multidisciplinary research line.

Period of project

01 January 2021 - 31 December 2024