Project R-12176


CROSSMINDS: Crossborder Smart Industries (Research)


CROSSMINDS seeks an answer to three recent developments: encouraging lifelong learning among professionals, the increased interest in cross-border mobility of professionals and students, and the exploitation of opportunities of distance learning (in response to the COVID crisis). The project will realize course modules which are specifically targeted at professionals and (engineering) students with a technical profile. The overarching theme is 'smart industries' in which each of the project partners (Hasselt University, KU Leuven, Ghent University, Maastricht University and Fontys University) will develop one course module. Students and professionals together will follow one or more modules online and on-campus. Each course module is challenge-based and offers opportunities to collaborate in a multidisciplinary team across borders on a case from practice, which will be delivered by a participating professional. Apart from this, new collaborations between the project partners will be explored, for instance through the organization of inspiration days in which new initiatives will be presented with the goal of additional cross-border collaborations.

Period of project

01 May 2021 - 31 December 2022