Project R-11528


The administrative approach in Flemish municipalities: from Pandora's box to Holy Grail in the battle against organised crime? (Research)


This doctoral research project focuses on the administrative approach of organised crime by Flemish municipalities. In a first stage of the project, the phenomenon of organized crime at the level of Flemish municipalities will be mapped on the basis of an empirical study. In addition, the genesis of the administrative approach in Belgium and the Netherlands will be discussed. Subsequently, the purpose of the project exists in the creation of an exhaustive overview of the existing legislation concerning the administrative approach by Flemish municipalities and how these instruments can be applied in practice. After a critical review of the current legal framework, recommendations will be made in order to achieve a more performant legal framework. In order to be able to make these recommendations with a view to the future law (de lege ferenada), a comparative law study with the Netherlands will be conducted.

Period of project

01 September 2020 - 31 December 2022
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