Project R-11541


Photo-luminescent and photo-thermal properties of sub-gap states in non-conventional materials for photovoltaics (Research)


For luminescent applications in photovoltaic conversion, a technique to study luminescence quantum yields at very high accuracy is lacking. The characterization of sub-gap states in highly luminescent materials and their effect on performance of Luminescent Solar Concentrators is needed. Furthermore, once identified, highly luminescent materials will exhibit cooling effects, of which the potential for photovoltaics has not been investigated up to date. With this project, we therefore aim to - Set up an accurate measurement technique, utilizing Photo-Thermal Deflection Spectroscopy, to measure luminescence quantum yields and characterize sub-gap states. - Discover materials with extremely high emission yields and potential luminescent cooling. - Identify the origin of sub-gap and tail states (intrinsic, impurities, preparation method…) - Explore possibilities towards a practical implementation for luminescent cooling of Photo-Voltaic cells.

Period of project

01 February 2019 - 31 January 2023